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View or Change Properties of Triggers and Rules for Triggers

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

Use this procedure to view or change properties of triggers and rules for triggers.

You can use this procedure to view or change properties of triggers and rules for triggers.

Membership in the local Users group, or equivalent, is the minimum required to complete this procedure.

To view or change properties of triggers and rules for triggers

  1. Click Start, point to Run, type compmgmt.msc, and press ENTER to display the Computer Management MMC console.

  2. In the console tree, click Triggers or Rules, whichever is applicable.


    • Computer Management/Services and Applications/Message Queuing/Triggers/Triggers (or Rules)
  3. In the details pane, right-click the applicable trigger or rule, and then click Properties.

  4. View or change trigger properties as needed. Note that trigger names cannot be changed.

    Trigger Property Tab

    Trigger name (view only)


    Monitored queue (path name for a user queue)


    Message processing type


    Enabled or disabled


    Serialized or nonserialized


    Rules attached to the trigger

    Attached Rules

    Rules available for the trigger

    Attached Rules

    Or, view or change rule properties as needed. Note that rule names cannot be changed.

    Rule property Tab

    Rule name (view only)


    Rule description


    Conditions applied to the rule

    Rule Condition

    Filter value/string

    Rule Condition

    Whether the rule launches a stand-alone executable or a COM component

    Rule Action

    Path of a stand-alone executable

    Rule Action

    COM component ProgID

    Rule Action

    Method chosen for a COM component

    Rule Action

    Parameters used and their order. For types of parameters, see Trigger Rules.

    Invocation Parameters

Additional considerations

  • Triggers are not installed by default during Message Queuing installation. For information about installing triggers, see Additional references.

  • The Properties dialog box for a specific trigger has General and Attached Rules tabs. The Properties dialog box for a specific rule has General, Rule Condition, and Rule Action tabs, and there is an Invocation Parameters dialog box, which can be accessed from the Rule Action page.

  • The monitored queue of an existing trigger cannot be changed.

  • When you delete a queue, the triggers associated with that queue are not deleted. If you later re-create a queue of the same name, any existing triggers will be used by this queue. However, this re-created queue will not be monitored by the Message Queuing Triggers service until the computer is restarted, or the associated triggers disabled, and then enabled again.

  • A rule consists of one or more conditions and an action that is executed when the conditions are true. Each condition is applied to a message when it arrives at the monitored queue, and the result is either true or false. The conditions applied to a particular rule are listed in Condition list on the Rule Condition page of the Properties dialog box for that rule. A condition can be eliminated from this list by selecting it and clicking Remove. New conditions are composed by selecting a supported initial string in the New condition list box and typing a concluding string in the text box below it. Multiple conditions must all be true for an action to be executed. If no condition is specified, a true value will always be returned. This is useful when you want a trigger to fire unconditionally every time a message arrives at the monitored queue.

  • The actions performed when the conditions are true are expressed either in the form of an executable file and parameters (arguments) or in the form of a COM component, method, and parameters. You can specify one or more arguments to be passed per action. The supported parameters are listed in the list box on the Invocation Parameters dialog box, which can be accessed by clicking Parameters on the Rule Action page of the Properties dialog box for the particular rule.

  • The rules displayed on the Attached Rules tab are disabled by default, and you must attach them to the trigger to enable them. You can attach multiple rules to a trigger. In this case, the rules are executed in the order in which they are displayed in the Attached Rules list. You can change the priority (running order) of the rules in the list. To do so, use the Up and Down buttons on this page to give the rule a higher or lower priority, respectively. You can also detach rules on this page by selecting each rule that you want to detach and clicking Detach. For more information, see Additional references.

  • All triggers and rules for triggers created on the local computer are displayed in the details pane of the Computer Management snap-in when the applicable folder is selected in the console tree.

Additional references