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Queue Aliases

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

Queue aliases

Message Queuing provides support for referencing queues with an Active Directory Domain Services object called a queue alias, which can be used to reference queues that might not be listed in Active Directory Domain Services.

Queue aliases are published in Active Directory Domain Services, and in this respect, they resemble public queues.

Using a queue alias provides the following benefits:

  • A queue alias can point to a public, private, or direct single-element format name used to reference a queue. Messages are sent to the queue or queues named in the corresponding format name. The validity of the format name and the existence of the queue to which a queue alias points are not tested when the alias is created. A queue alias thus points to a single queue, but it does not function as a queue because messages are not sent to it, but only to the queue or queues named in the corresponding format name. For more information about format names, see Queue Names.

  • A queue alias can serve as a tool to reference a private queue and URL-named queues included in distribution lists. While queue aliases can point to any queue, including private and URL-named queues, distribution lists can only include explicit references to destinations published in Active Directory Domain Services; that is, to public queues, queue aliases, and other distribution lists, but not to private and URL-named queues. Thus, a queue alias can serve as a tool for including private and URL-named queues in distribution lists.

  • When a queue alias object is deleted, the alias is automatically removed from all distribution lists that reference the alias. A queue referenced by a queue alias can be changed without having to change a distribution list that references it.

  • A queue referenced by the queue alias can be changed without changing the alias reference. The alias can be used as a constant reference, as in a distribution list, even though the queue it represents may change.

  • Queue aliases can be used to reference a queue that is not listed in the directory service. This includes private queues or queues from another organization.

  • Queue aliases can be used to send HTTP messages by referencing the destination queue using a direct format name.

  • Multiple aliases can be created for a single physical queue.

User interfaces are provided in Active Directory Users and Computers for creating and deleting queue aliases as well as for viewing and changing their properties. For more information about performing these tasks, see Create Queue Aliases, View or Change Properties of Queue Aliases, and Delete Queue Aliases.

The queue alias object can be used only in Windows Server 2003 or later family domains and cannot be accessed by computers running earlier versions of Windows.