다음을 통해 공유

Import a WMI Filter

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

Import a WMI Filter

  1. In the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) console tree, right-click WMI Filters in the forest and domain into which you want to import a WMI filter.

  2. Click Import.

  3. In the Import WMI Filter dialog box, enter the .mof file that contains the WMI filter you want to import, and then click Open.

  4. In the Import WMI Filter dialog box, specify the appropriate information in the Name and Description boxes, and then do one of the following:

    • To import the WMI filter without changing it, click Import.

    • To change the WMI filter and then import it, click Edit, make the appropriate changes to the namespace or query, click OK, and then click Import.

Additional considerations

  • You must have privileges to create WMI filters in the domain in which you want to create the filter to complete this procedure. By default the Domain Administrators, Enterprise Administrators, and Group Policy Creator Owners groups have this permission.

  • WMI Filters is only available if at least one domain controller in the domain is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003. The same is true for WMI Filtering on the Scope tab for Group Policy objects.

  • Importing a WMI filter creates a new filter instead of modifying an existing filter.

Additional references