다음을 통해 공유

Demand Dial Tools and Settings

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

In this section

  • Demand-Dial Routing Tools

  • Demand-Dial Routing Registry Entries

The “Demand-Dial Routing Tools” section describes tools that are useful for auditing, customizing, and troubleshooting demand-dial routing connections.

The “Demand-Dial Routing Registry Entries” section describes registry entries that:

  • Enable negotiation of the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connection with the endpoint.

  • Indicate the router managers installed in the system.

  • Indicate the types of router interfaces in the system.

Demand-Dial Routing Tools

The following tools are associated with demand-dial routing.



Iprtrmgr.dll, also known as the IP router manager, is a dynamic-link library (DLL) available as part of the operating system.

Version compatibility

Iprtrmgr.dll is available on all platforms that support Routing and Remote Access, including Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows XP.

Iprtrmgr.dll manages the routing protocols. Acting as liaison between the routing protocols and the dynamic interface manager (DIM), Iprtrmgr.dll does the following:

  • Obtains configuration information from the DIM.

  • Communicates IP packet-filtering configuration to the IP filtering driver.

  • Communicates IP routing configuration information to the IP forwarder in the TCP/IP protocol.

  • Maintains an interface database of all IP routing interfaces.

  • Loads and communicates configuration information to IP routing protocols that are supplied with Windows Server 2003, such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP) for IP and Open Shortest Path First (OSPF).

  • Initiates demand-dial connections for routing protocols by communicating with the DIM.

In addition, Iprtrmgr.dll updates the route information for the Route Table Manager (RTM) and keeps the RTM synchronized with the stack forwarding table.

For more information about Iprtrmgr.dll, see “Windows Support Tools” in the Tools and Settings Collection.



Mprdim.dll, also known as the DIM, is a dynamic-link library available as part of the operating system.

Version compatibility

Mprdim.dll is available in all platforms that support Routing and Remote Access, including Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows XP.

The primary responsibility of Mprdim.dll is the administration of the Routing and Remote Access server computer and to relay information to other routing components, such as the IP router manager.

Mprdim.dll does the following:

  • Supports a remote procedure call (RPC) interface for Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)-based management functions used by management utilities, such as the Routing and Remote Access snap-in.

  • Loads configuration information from the Windows registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess.

  • Reads the router phone book file: systemroot\system32\RAS\Router.pbk.

  • Communicates with the Connection Manager for demand-dial connections.

  • Communicates configuration information to the router managers (for example, the IP router manager).

  • Passes information about static routes and filters to the appropriate router manager.

  • Manages all routing interfaces, including local area network (LAN), persistent demand-dial, and IP-in-IP interfaces.

  • Sends information to the Active Directory Service if the computer is configured as a member of a domain.

For more information about Mprdim.dll, see “Windows Support Tools” in the Tools and Settings Collection.



Rtm.dll, also known as the RTM, is a dynamic-link library available as part of the operating system.

Version compatibility

Rtm.dll is available in all platforms that support Routing and Remote Access, including Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows XP.

Rtm.dll is the central repository of routing information for all routing protocols and components, such as router managers.

Rtm.dll does the following:

  • Maintains a user-mode route table for all routes from all possible route sources.

  • Provides application programming interfaces (APIs) to accomplish the following tasks:

    • Adding, deleting, and enumerating routes that are used by the routing protocols.

    • Querying and modifying routing information (other than adding, deleting, and enumerating routes) stored in the RTM.

    • Registering routes.

    • Registering to receive notifications of changes to RTM information.

  • Ages learned routes. The age of a route is the time, in seconds, since the route was created or last updated.

  • Provides routing information to routing protocols, management programs, and monitoring programs.

  • Communicates only the best routes to the appropriate IP forwarder driver. For IP routes, the best route is the route with the lowest cost based on specified criteria, such as the number of networks crossed, the type of network crossed (for example, private or public), or a monetary or bandwidth limit. The best routes become the routes in the IP forwarding table.

For more information about Rtm.dll, see “Windows Support Tools” in the Tools and Settings Collection.



Netsh is a command-line scripting tool used to configure multiple networking components and is available as part of the operating system.

Version compatibility

Netsh is available in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, and all versions of Windows that include TCP/IP.

The Netsh command-line syntax is as follows:

netsh [-a AliasFile] [-c Context] [-r RemoteMachine]
       [Command | -f ScriptFile]

Netsh enables you to display or modify the network configuration of a local or remote computer. You can schedule auto-static updates to occur periodically by using a combination of Netsh utility scripts and Task Scheduler. The transfer of routing information occurs by using RIP for IP. To perform a scheduled automated auto-static update, use the following Netsh commands:

netsh interface set interface name=DemandDialInterfaceName connect=CONNECTED
netsh routing ip rip update DemandDialInterfaceName
netsh interface set interface name=DemandDialInterfaceName connect=DISCONNECTED

For example, to automatically update the RIP-for-IP routes by using a demand-dial connection called CorpHub, you type the following Netsh commands:

netsh interface set interface name=CorpHub connect=CONNECTED
netsh routing ip rip update CorpHub
netsh interface set interface name=CorpHub connect=DISCONNECTED

You can run these commands from a batch file or you can place them in a Netsh script file. For example, the script file, Corphub.scp, runs the following commands for CorpHub:

interface set interface name=CorpHub connect=CONNECTED
routing ip rip update CorpHub
interface set interface name=CorpHub connect=DISCONNECTED

To run the Corphub.scp script, type the following at a command prompt:

netsh -f corphub.scp

After the batch file or Netsh script file is created, you can execute the batch file or Netsh script on a scheduled basis by using Task Scheduler.

For more information about Netsh, see “Command-Line References” in the Tools and Settings Collection.

Demand-Dial Routing Registry Settings

The following registry settings are associated with demand-dial routing.

The information here is provided as a reference for use in troubleshooting or verifying that the required settings are applied. It is recommended that you do not directly edit the registry unless there is no other alternative. Modifications to the registry are not validated by the registry editor or by Windows before they are applied, and as a result, incorrect values can be stored. This can result in unrecoverable errors in the system. When possible, use Group Policy or other Windows tools, such as Microsoft Management Console (MMC), to accomplish tasks rather than editing the registry directly. If you must edit the registry, use extreme caution.


The following registry key is located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RasMan\PPP\ControlProtocols\BuiltIn


Registry path



The BuiltIn registry setting is available in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows XP.

After a demand-dial connection (physical or logical) is made, a PPP connection is negotiated with the endpoint. By default, the calling router does not register itself with the DNS or WINS servers of the answering router unless the value of RegisterRoutersWithNameServers is set to 1.


The following registry key is located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\RemoteAccess\Interfaces


Registry path



The Interfaces registry setting is available in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows XP.

The Interfaces key is populated with the interfaces that have been added to the local system from the Router configuration. Each interface has an associated Type (Internal, Dedicated, or Dynamic) and subkeys, such as Ip, for each router manager.


Every router manager installed in the system has a registry key created under the Router registry key. For the Ip subkey, the DllPath name specifies the location of the DLL that corresponds to the router manager; the ProtocolID name specifies the protocol family identifier for the router manager.

The following registry key is located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Router\CurrentVersion\RouterManagers\Ip\


Registry path



The OSPF registry setting is available in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server.

Values for the OSPF registry key are set as shown in the following table.

OSPF Registry Key Values

Name Type Data












Open Shortest Path First

The following registry key is located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Router\CurrentVersion\RouterManagers\Ip\


Registry path



The IPBOOTP registry setting is available in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server.

Values for the IPBOOTP registry key are set as shown in the following table.

IPBOOTP Registry Key Values

Name Type Data












DHCP Relay Agent

The following registry key is located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Router\CurrentVersion\RouterManagers\Ip\


Registry path



The IPRIP registry setting is available in Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server.

Values for the IPRIP registry key are set as shown in the following table.

IPRIP Registry Key Values

Name Type Data












RIP Version 2 for Internet Protocol


The following registry key is located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Router\CurrentVersion\UiConfigDlls\


Under the Router registry key, in addition to registry keys for the router manager, there is the UiConfigDlls registry key.

Registry path



The UiConfigDlls registry setting is available in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows XP.

The UiConfigDlls registry key requires that globally unique identifier (GUID) values are set as shown in the following table.

UiConfigDlls Registry Key Values

Name Type Data








