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Configure BITS Server Extensions

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

To configure BITS Server Extensions

  1. Click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. Click to expand the nodes under the server where BITS Server Extensions is installed, and then click to expand Web Sites.

  3. Right-click the virtual directory for which you want to configure BITS Server Extensions, and then select Properties.

  4. In the Properties dialog box, select the BITS Server Extensions tab.

The following sections explain the settings on the BITS Server Extensions tab.

  • Allow clients to transfer data to this virtual directory

  • Custom settings

  • Enable server farm support

  • Allow notifications

  • Schedule Cleanup

  • Run Cleanup Now

Allow clients to transfer data to this virtual directory

Enables uploads from BITS clients into the virtual directory. If this check box is not checked, BITS clients attempting an upload are denied access.

Use default settings

Precludes configuring BITS Server Extensions for the virtual directory. The remaining settings cannot be configured unless you select Customize settings.


  • Configuration settings can be inherited. If the directory is a subdirectory of another virtual directory and the parent virtual directory defines a custom configuration, the configuration of the parent virtual directory is used instead of the default settings.

Customize settings

Allows you to configure this property page according to the settings specified in Custom settings.

Custom settings

Permits selection of maximum file size and allows you to specify a time limit after which incomplete jobs can be deleted.

Maximum file size

Defines the maximum size of a file that can be uploaded in a single BITS job. If this setting is not enabled, clients can upload files of any size.

Delete incomplete jobs after

If enabled, permits incomplete upload files to be deleted by the cleanup process if no progress has been made within the specified time period. Deletions are performed only when the cleanup process is scheduled to run, or when you manually run a cleanup. See Schedule Cleanup for information about scheduling the cleanup process. See Run Cleanup Now for information about manually running a cleanup.

Enable server farm support

If enabled, instructs the client to try to reconnect to the server of choice instead of the original upload URL used by the client. Server farms can be configured two ways: by using a shared volume for the upload virtual directory, or by using server local storage for the uploaded files. If you want to use local storage, this option enables the client computer to reconnect to the same server computer in the server farm. Uploading to server farms and using local storage are not recommended without enabling and configuring Enable server farm support.

Reconnect to IP address

Specifies the public IP address to use for reconnecting to this server. A server usually has two IP addresses. One points outward and is reachable by client systems. The other belongs to the inner (protected) network. You should specify the outward-pointing IP address here.


  • You can specify a DNS name here only if each computer in your Web farm has an independent DNS name that can be resolved by client computers.

  • Enable server farm support must be checked in order to configure this setting.

Use original IP address after

Specifies the amount of time during which a client computer must reconnect to the server specified in Reconnect to IP address. If the client computer does not connect to the server during this time, the client computer must attempt to connect to the original DNS name specified in the upload URL.

Allow notifications

Enables notifications for this virtual directory. Both Notification type and Notification URL settings are required if this setting is enabled. For additional information about the notification settings on the BITS Server Extensions tab on the Properties page for the virtual directory, see Using BITS notifications in Related Topics.

Notification type

You can send either the file name or the data. If Send the file name is selected, the server passes the path for the completed upload file to the URL specified by the Notification URL setting. The server returns a file to the client computer as a response. If Send the data is selected, the server passes the entire upload file to the URL specified by the Notification URL as a POST. The response is sent to the client computer.

Notification URL

Specifies the URL to pass the completed upload file to via a POST request if the Notification type is either Send the file contents or Send the file name. The URL can be absolute or self-relative. If the URL is self-relative, the original request URL is used as the base.

Schedule Cleanup

Configures the frequency with which BITS Server Extensions scans the virtual directory for incomplete upload files. If an incomplete file is found, it is checked against the time-out value set in Delete incomplete jobs after. If the time-out period has elapsed since progress was made on this file, the upload is cancelled and any partial file contents are deleted. This setting is not affected by IIS property inheritance and applies only to the virtual directory.

Run Cleanup Now

Immediately starts a cleanup by scanning the virtual directory for incomplete upload files. If an incomplete file is found, it is checked against the time-out value set in Delete incomplete jobs after. If the time-out period has elapsed since progress was made on this file, the upload is cancelled and any partial file contents are deleted. To remove all incomplete files from this virtual directory, set the time-out value to 0 before running the cleanup.


To install BITS Server Extensions, you must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer, or you must have been delegated the appropriate credentials. If the computer is joined to a domain, members of the Domain Admins group might be able to perform this procedure. As a security best practice, consider using the runas command to perform this procedure. For Windows 2000 Server family products, see the online Help documentation or go to Windows 2000 Product Documentation and select Help for the appropriate product.

  • After you configure settings on the BITS Server Extensions tab and click Apply or OK, a security message appears, indicating that BITS will shut down all Run script and Execute permissions for this virtual directory. When you click OK, the Run Cleanup Now button becomes enabled. For more information about this security message, see Setting permissions on virtual directories in Related Topics.

  • BITS Server Extensions must be in the Allowed state in order to function. To determine the state, expand Web Service Extension in the IIS console tree. Locate the extension state in the right panel. Click Allowed if the extension is in the Prohibited state.

  • For information about virtual directories, see Help for Internet Information Services.

See Also

Other Resources

Using BITS notifications request/response headers
Setting permissions on virtual directories