다음을 통해 공유

Remote administration overview

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Remote administration overview

The following table presents remote management tasks and links to information about the tools. Unless indicated otherwise, these tools are used on Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 operating systems and, in some cases, Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional.

Task Tools Comments

Manage several servers by performing similar tasks.

Microsoft Management Console

Author an MMC console file

Work with MMC and saved console files

You can use appropriate saved MMC consoles, if available, or you can create custom MMC consoles for tasks you frequently either delegate or perform.

Log onto one computer remotely and manage it as if you were there.

Remote Desktop Connection

In addition to Windows Server 2003 operating systems, this feature can be used with Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server. The Remote Desktop feature must be enabled on the remote computer.

Switch among several computers that you want to log on to remotely.

Remote Desktops snap-in

In addition to Windows Server 2003 operating systems, this feature can be used with Windows 2000 Server. The Remote Desktop feature must be enabled on the remote computer.

Administer a server running Windows Server 2003 from any computer on your network.

Remote Desktop for Administration

In addition to Windows Server 2003 operating systems, this feature can be used with Windows 2000 Server. The Remote Desktop feature must be enabled on the remote computer.

Manage servers from Windows XP Professional.

Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack Overview

Remote Desktop Connection

Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack must be installed on Windows XP Professional to permit server management using these tools. The Remote Desktop feature must be enabled on servers to permit use of the Remote Desktop Connection.

Manage your Web server using a Web browser on a remote computer.

Using Web Interface for Remote Administration

Use Internet Explorer, version 6 or later, for remote administration using Web Interface. Web Interface is not installed by default for Web servers.

Assist in real time an operator on a remote computer running Windows Server 2003 family operating system, Windows XP Professional or Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition.

Administering Remote Assistance (www.microsoft.com)

The Remote Assistance connection requires explicit permission from the connected user, and both computers must be running Windows XP Professional or Windows Server 2003 operating systems.

Connect to a remote computer when that computer cannot access a network or is not in a functional state because of hardware or software failure.


All commands must be entered through the command line. Capabilities are limited, and security is minimal.

Manage disk space on servers by copying files to a library of magnetic tapes or magneto-optical disks.

Remote Storage

Some Windows components require configuration before they can be used and will be displayed in the Add or Remove Windows Components in Add or Remove programs in Control Panel. Remote storage requires installation.
