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Monitor Active Web and FTP Connections

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 with SP1

To ensure that service to clients is not interrupted; monitor the Web server for any active Web and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) connections before taking the Web server offline. Internet Information Services (IIS) 4.0, IIS 5.0, and IIS 6.0 include performance monitor counters that can be used to monitor the active Web and FTP connections. Monitor the active Web and FTP connections to ensure one of the following is true:

  • The number of active Web and FTP connections is zero.

  • All active Web or FTP sessions can be accounted for and can be terminated.


  • Credentials: Membership in the Administrators group on the local computer.

  • Tools: Perfmon.msc, Perfmon.exe.


To monitor active Web and FTP connections in IIS 6.0

  1. Open Administrative Tools, and then click Performance.

  2. Right-click the System Monitor details pane, and then click Add Counters.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To monitor any computer on which the monitoring console is run, click Use local computer counters.


    • To monitor a specific computer, regardless of where the monitoring console is run, click Select counters from computer, and specify a computer name or IP address.
  4. In Performance object, click:

    • Web Service to monitor active Web connections.


    • FTP Service to monitor active FTP connections.
  5. Click Select counters from list, and select Current Connections.

  6. Click All instances.

  7. Click Add, and then click Close.

To monitor active Web and FTP connections in IIS 5.0

  1. Open Administrative Tools, and then click Performance.

  2. Right-click the System Monitor details pane and then click Add Counters.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • To monitor any computer on which the monitoring console is run, click Use local computer counters.


    • To monitor a specific computer, regardless of where the monitoring console is run, click Select counters from computer, and specify a computer name or IP address.
  4. In Performance object, click:

    • Web Service to monitor active Web connections.


    • FTP Service to monitor active FTP connections.
  5. Click Select counters from list, and then click Current Connections.

  6. Click All instances.

  7. Click Add, and then click Close.

To monitor active Web and FTP connections in IIS 4.0

  1. Open Administrative Tools, and then click Performance Monitor.

  2. Click Edit, and then click Add to Chart.

  3. The local computer is listed in the Computers box. To monitor any other computer on which the monitoring console is run, click the button to the right of Computers and select a computer from the Select Computer list, and then click OK.

  4. In Performance object, click:

    • Web Service to monitor active Web connections.


    • FTP Service to monitor active FTP connections.
  5. In Counters, click Current Connections.


    The performance counters are not installed when IIS 4.0 is installed on Microsoft® Windows NT® version 4.0. In this case, if the performance counters have not been manually enabled, they do not appear in the Counters list. For more information about enabling the performance counters, see Knowledge Base article 226512, HOW TO: Reinstall IIS 4.0 Performance Monitor Counters.

  6. Click Add, and then click Done.