다음을 통해 공유

UsmtUtils Syntax

Applies To: Windows 7

This topic describes new utilities available in Windows® User State Migration Tool (USMT) 4.0 through the command-line help interface. These utilities improve your ability to determine cryptographic options for your migration, and assist in removing hard-link stores that cannot otherwise be deleted due to a sharing lock.


The following table lists all new Usmtutils.exe command-line options in USMT 4.0.

Command-line Option Description


This option returns a list of supported cryptographic algorithms (AlgIDs) on the current system.

/rd <storeDir>

Removes the directory path specified by the <storeDir> argument on all of the fixed drives. This command is useful for deleting hard-link stores that cannot otherwise be deleted due to a sharing lock. For example: usmtutils /rd D:\MyHardLinkStore

See Also


USMT Components
Return Codes