다음을 통해 공유

HLBWINFO structure

[HLBWINFO may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions of the operating system or product.]

Note  The Microsoft ActiveX Hyperlink API is deprecated in Windows Internet Explorer 8 and later, and ActiveX technology as a whole is unsupported in the Microsoft Edge browser in favor of standards-based web APIs. For more information, see Saying goodbye to ActiveX, VBScript, attachEvent... and Get ready for plug-in free browsing.


Contains parameters that provide information about locations and sizes of frame-level and document-level windows within a browse context.


typedef struct tagHLBWINFO {
  unsigned long cbSize;
  DWORD         grfHLBWIF;
  RECT          rcFramePos;
  RECT          rcDocPos;
  HLTBINFO      hltbinfo;


  • cbSize
    Value of type unsigned long that specifies the size of this structure, in bytes.

  • grfHLBWIF
    Unsigned long integer value that specifies a value from the HLBWIF enumeration.

  • rcFramePos
    RECT structure that contains a rectangle, in screen coordinates. If grfHLBWIF is set to HLBWIF_HASFRAMEWNDINFO, the rectangle contains the coordinates of the current frame-level windows within the browse context. When grfHLBWIF is set to HLBWIF_FRAMEWNDMAXIMIZED, frame-level windows are currently displayed maximized. In this case, rcFramePos is the "normal" size of frame-level windows—that is, the rectangle to use for any frame-level window when it is not maximized.

  • rcDocPos
    RECT structure that contains a rectangle, in screen coordinates. If grfHLBWIF is set to HLBWIF_HASDOCWNDINFO, rcDocPos contains the rectangle of current document-level windows within the browse context. When grfHLBWIF is set to HLBWIF_DOCWNDMAXIMIZED, document-level windows are currently being displayed maximized. In this case, rcDocPos is the "normal" size of document-level windows—that is, the rectangle to use for any document-level window when it is not maximized.

  • hltbinfo
    HLTBINFO structure that provides information about the position of the Web toolbar. This enables the target application to display its toolbar in the same location.


The HLBWINFO structure is retrieved from the browse context using IHlinkBrowseContext::GetBrowseWindowInfo and put into the browse context using IHlinkBrowseContext::SetBrowseWindowInfo. Hyperlink targets retrieve the HLBWINFO structure during IHlinkTarget::Navigate to reposition their user interface properly and ensure as seamless a transition as possible to the new document or object.


Minimum supported client

Windows XP

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server

