다음을 통해 공유

MoveToMarkupPointer method

Moves this display pointer to the position of a markup pointer.


HRESULT retVal = object.MoveToMarkupPointer(pPointer, pDispLineContext);


  • pPointer [in]
    Type: IMarkupPointer

    A pointer to an IMarkupPointer interface that specifies the new position for the display pointer.

  • pDispLineContext [in]
    Type: IDisplayPointer

    A pointer to an IDisplayPointer interface that specifies the line on which to place the new display pointer, in case of ambiguity. If set to NULL, the pointer's display gravity resolves any ambiguities.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


The pDispLineContext parameter resolves ambiguities about the display pointer's placement. markup pointer do not carry any line information with them. A markup pointer that is located at the exact point where a line of text wraps could be interpreted to be on either line. In such a case, pDispLineContext specifies the line on which to position the display pointer. If there is no ambiguity, this parameter is ignored.

IDisplayPointer::MoveToMarkupPointer will return an error (CTL_E_INVALIDLINE), if the markup pointer is in a line whose nearest layout element is not a flow layout element.