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The OID_WW_MBX_GROUPLIST OID requests the miniport driver to return the current group list, the set of group MANs to which the local wireless device currently belongs.

This request uses a WW_MBX_GROUPLIST structure, defined as follows:

    typedef struct _WW_MBX_GROUPLIST {
         INT count;
         UINT MAN[15];

The members of this structure contain the following information:

  • count
    Specifies the number of MAN entries in the current group list. Specifies zero if the group list is empty with all elements of MAN set to zero, as well. Otherwise, count is set to -1 if the number is unknown.

  • MAN
    Specifies up to 15 MAN addresses.

This information is sent within an MPAK by the radio modem to the computer whenever the group list changes. The form of the WW_MBX_GROUPLIST structure mirrors the format of the information within the MPAK. The miniport driver maintains the information in this list so that protocols can query the current list as they bind to the miniport driver.

If any bound protocol has enabled indications with OID_WW_GEN_INDICATION_REQUEST, the miniport driver must call NdisMIndicateStatusto notify such protocol(s) when the group list changes. It can ignore the TriggerValue member that was specified in the OID_WW_GEN_INDICATION_REQUEST.

Sets are irrelevant for this OID.

Note   This OID is not available for use beginning with Windows Vista.




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