다음을 통해 공유


The OID_TAPI_ANSWER OID requests the miniport driver to answer the specified call on offer. Optionally, it requests that the miniport driver send the specified user-to-user information to the calling party.

Support for this request is mandatory.

The OID_TAPI_ANSWER request uses an NDIS_TAPI_ANSWER structure, defined as follows:

typedef struct _NDIS_TAPI_ANSWER {         
         IN ULONG ulRequestID;
         IN HDRV_CALL hdCall;
         IN ULONG ulUserUserInfoSize;
         IN UCHAR UserUserInfo[1];

The members of this structure contain the following information:

  • ulRequestID

  • hdCall
    Specifies the miniport driver's handle to the call to be answered. The driver set this handle up when it called NdisMIndicateStatus with the LINE_EVENT_NEWCALL indication.

  • ulUserUserInfoSize
    Specifies the size in bytes of the user-to-user information in UserUserInfo. If this member is zero, UserUserInfo should be ignored.

  • UserUserInfo
    Specifies a string containing user-to-user information to be sent to the remote party as part of the call accept. User-to-user information is sent only if supported by the underlying network (see OID_TAPI_GET_DEV_CAPS).

The MiniportSetInformationfunction can return one of the following:








Upon successful completion of the OID_TAPI_ANSWER request, the miniport driver must be prepared to respond to the OID_TAPI_GET_IDrequest.

The initiating application must wait for the LINECALLSTATE_CONNECTED indication before actually writing data.



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