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This structure is used to describe how primitives are affected by the clipping planes.

typedef struct _D3DMCLIPSTATUS {  ULONG ClipUnion;  ULONG ClipIntersection;} D3DMCLIPSTATUS;


  • ClipUnion
    A ULONG value into which the driver will add a specific bit through a bitwise OR operation each time a primitive intersects the clipping plane corresponding to that bit.
  • ClipIntersection
    A ULONG value into which the driver will add a specific bit through a bitwise AND operation each time a primitive intersects the clipping plane corresponding to the given bit.


The bits in each member are identified by macro values corresponding to each clipping plane: D3DMCS_LEFT, D3DMCS_RIGHT, D3DMCS_TOP, D3DMCS_BOTTOM, D3DMCS_FRONT, and D3DMCS_BACK, see D3DMCS Values. You can use the macro D3DMCS_ALL to access all of the bits at once.

After it has retrieved the clip code bits, the application, can determine — by examining the union and intersection values — if the primitive is entirely inside the frustum, entirely outside, or clipped .

Clipping may occur in any space that is convenient for the driver, so long as the resulting output behavior is correct.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: D3dmtypes.h.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Structures

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