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D3DMCAPS (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure is used to provide a description of the specific capabilities supported by a device driver. Each member has a set of macros associated with it that describes the meaning of that member's individual bits.

typedef struct _D3DMCAPS {  D3DMDEVTYPE DeviceType;  UINT        AdapterOrdinal;  ULONG       PresentationIntervals;  ULONG       DevCaps;  ULONG       SurfaceCaps;  ULONG       PrimitiveMiscCaps;  ULONG       RasterCaps;  ULONG       ZCmpCaps;  ULONG       SrcBlendCaps;  ULONG       DestBlendCaps;  ULONG       BlendOpCaps;  ULONG       AlphaCmpCaps;  ULONG       ShadeCaps;  ULONG       TextureCaps;  ULONG       TextureFilterCaps;  ULONG       TextureAddressCaps;  ULONG       LineCaps;  ULONG       MaxTextureWidth;  ULONG       MaxTextureHeight;  ULONG       MaxTextureRepeat;  ULONG       MaxTextureAspectRatio;  ULONG       MaxAnisotropy;  D3DMVALUE   MaxVertexW;  LONG        GuardBandLeft;  LONG        GuardBandTop;  LONG        GuardBandRight;  LONG        GuardBandBottom;  D3DMVALUE   ExtentsAdjust;  ULONG       StencilCaps;  ULONG       StencilCmpCaps;  ULONG       TextureOpCaps;  ULONG       MaxTextureBlendStages;  ULONG       MaxSimultaneousTextures;  ULONG       VertexProcessingCaps;  ULONG       MaxActiveLights;  ULONG       MaxPrimitiveCount;  ULONG       MaxVertexIndex;  ULONG       NativeCursorWidth;  ULONG       NativeCursorHeight;  ULONG       MaxBackBuffer;} D3DMCAPS;


  • DeviceType
    This value is an element of the D3DMDEVTYPE enumeration. It is always set to D3DMDEVTYPE_DEFAULT.

  • AdapterOrdinal
    A UINT value containing the ordinal the operating system has assigned to this device. The value 0 represents the system device and 1 represents a registered software device. This value is assigned by the operating system.

  • PresentationIntervals
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMPRESENT Values that describe the device's ability to present frames at given rates.

  • DevCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMDEVCAPS Values that describe some general details about the nature of the device.

  • SurfaceCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMSURFCAPS Values that describe the general nature of the surfaces that are supported by a device and which memory pools support which data types.

  • PrimitiveMiscCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMPMISCCAPS Values that describe miscellaneous capabilities related to primitive handling.

  • RasterCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMPRASTERCAPS Values that describe the device's rasterization and pixel processing capabilities.

  • ZCmpCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMPCMPCAPS Values that describe which depth comparison modes the device supports.

  • SrcBlendCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMPBLENDCAPS Values that describe which blend factors are valid as the source in the alpha blend operation in pixel processing.

  • DestBlendCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMPBLENDCAPS Values that describe which blend factors are valid as the destination in the alpha blend operation in pixel processing.

  • BlendOpCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMBLENDOPCAPS Values that describe which blend operations are valid in the per pixel alpha blend operation.

  • AlphaCmpCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMPCMPCAPS Values that describe which alpha test comparison modes the device supports.

  • ShadeCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMPSHADECAPS Values that describe the shading operation that the device supports.

    To be compliant with the Base Profile, all devices must support the D3DMSHADE_FLAT mode, see D3DMSHADEMODE. These flags specify whether the driver can also support Gouraud shading and whether alpha color components are supported. When alpha components are not supported, the alpha value of colors generated is implicitly 1.0, the maximum possible alpha value and therefore a fully opaque pixel.

    The diffuse color, specular highlights, fog, and alpha interpolants of a triangle each have capability flags that an application can use to find out how they are implemented by the device driver.

  • TextureCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMPTEXTURECAPS Values that describe texture mapping capabilities.

  • TextureFilterCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMPTFILTERCAPS Values that describe device capabilities related to texture filtering.

  • TextureAddressCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMPTADDRESSCAPS Values that describe the supported texture addressing modes.

  • LineCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMLINECAPS Values that describe line and point rendering capabilities.

  • MaxTextureWidth
    A ULONG value that defines the maximum width for a texture map that the device can create.

  • MaxTextureHeight
    A ULONG value that defines the maximum height for a texture map that the device can create.

  • MaxTextureRepeat
    A ULONG value that defines the maximum integer range of post-normalized texture coordinate. The actual number of times the texture can be repeated is therefore a function this value and the texture size.

  • MaxTextureAspectRatio
    A ULONG value that defines the maximum texture aspect ratio supported by the device.

  • MaxAnisotropy
    A ULONG value that defines the maximum valid value for the D3DMTSS_MAXANISOTROPY texture-stage state, see D3DMTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE.

  • MaxVertexW
    A float value that defines the maximum w depth supported by the device.

  • GuardBandLeft
    A LONG value that defines, in screen space coordinates, the left side of the guard-band clipping rectangle. Coordinates inside this rectangle but outside the viewport rectangle are automatically clipped.

  • GuardBandTop
    A LONG value that defines, in screen space coordinates, the top of the guard-band clipping rectangle. Coordinates inside this rectangle but outside the viewport rectangle are automatically clipped.

  • GuardBandRight
    A LONG value that defines, in screen space coordinates, the right side of the guard-band clipping rectangle. Coordinates inside this rectangle but outside the viewport rectangle are automatically clipped.

  • GuardBandBottom
    A LONG value that defines, in screen space coordinates, the bottom of the guard-band clipping rectangle. Coordinates inside this rectangle but outside the viewport rectangle are automatically clipped.

  • ExtentsAdjust
    Number of pixels to adjust the extents rectangle outward to accommodate anti-aliasing kernels.

  • StencilCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMSTENCILCAPS Values that describe the stencil buffering operations that the device supports.

  • StencilCmpCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMPCMPCAPS Values that describe which stencil test comparison modes the device supports.

  • TextureOpCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMTEXOPCAPS Values that describe the texture blending operations that the device supports.

  • MaxTextureBlendStages
    A ULONG value that defines the maximum number of blend stages that the device supports.

  • MaxSimultaneousTextures
    A ULONG value that defines the maximum number of currently bound textures that the device supports.

  • VertexProcessingCaps
    A ULONG value containing a combination of one or more D3DMVTXPCAPS Values that describe the device's capabilities for transforming vertices.

  • MaxActiveLights
    A ULONG value that defines the maximum number of concurrently active lights that the device supports.

  • MaxPrimitiveCount
    A ULONG value that defines the maximum number of primitives that may be drawn in a single drawing call.

  • MaxVertexIndex
    A ULONG value that defines the maximum number of indices supported for hardware vertex processing. It is possible to create 32-bit index buffers by specifying D3DMFMT_INDEX32; however, you will not be able to render with the index buffer unless this value is greater than 0x0000FFFF.

  • NativeCursorWidth
    A ULONG value that defines the width, in pixels, of the device's cursor.

  • NativeCursorHeight
    A ULONG value that defines the height, in pixels, of the device's cursor.

  • MaxBackBuffer
    A ULONG value that defines the maximum number of back buffers supported by this device. Setting this to 0 indicates the driver has no theoretical maximum back buffers.

    Although the value in MaxBackBuffer indicates the maximum number of back buffers that can be allocated by an application, this does not guarantee that an application will be able to allocate MaxBackBuffer number back buffers under all conditions.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: D3dmcaps.h.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Structures

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