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How to Edit .cec Files Using a Text Editor

Platform Builder builds the Catalog using Catalog Feature (.cec) files, which contain information necessary to display and build features into your project. The Catalog can be extended with additional features by using .cec files to include the new information. When the new feature is added to the Platform Builder Catalog, it is available for use in all future Windows CE-based projects created on your workstation. For more information about platform customization, see Platform Modification.

Hardware and Software Assumptions

To track your progress in the following table, select the check box next to each step.

  Step Topic
1. Open an existing platform or create a new platform using the New Platform Wizard. Creating a Platform
2. Create and build a basic application.

The sample Hello World application is an example of a component that can be added to the Catalog.

Creating a Hello World Application
3. Create a .cec file for the new application. Creating a .cec File Using a Text Editor
4. Add a CECInfo block, which describes the .cec file itself.
Note   To create a working .cec file using the code examples in steps 4 through 8, check that each block statement is closed with the appropriate number of terminating parentheses.
Adding a CECInfo Block to a .cec File
5. Add a ComponentType block, which describes the component you are adding to the Catalog. Adding a ComponentType Block to a .cec File
6. Add an Implementation method block, which defines an instance of a component. Adding an Implementation Method Block to a .cec File
7. Add a Build method block, which specifies the method for building the component in an OS image. Adding a Build Method Block to a .cec File
8. Add binary image builder (BIB) information, which enables the build system to include the new feature into an OS image. Adding BIB Information to a .cec File
9. Once the .cec file is complete, save it to the root directory for your platform, for example, %_WINCEROOT%\Public\MyPlatform. Not applicable
10. Add the .cec file to the Catalog using the Platform Builder IDE. Adding a .cec File to the Catalog
11. To verify that your feature has been added to the Catalog, right-click in the Catalog window, choose Find, and type the name of your feature.

If your feature does not appear in the Catalog, right-click in the Catalog window, and choose Refresh Catalog.

Not applicable

See Also

Platform Development How-to Topics | How to Add an Application to the Catalog

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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