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Options Dialog Box: Editor Tab (Windows CE 5.0)

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This tab includes the following items.

Window Settings

You can use the following:

  • Vertical scroll bar
    Select to include vertical scroll bars in editor windows.

  • Horizontal scroll bar
    Select to include horizontal scroll bars in editor windows.

  • Automatic window recycling
    Select to allow reuse of a single document window when the process of debugging, browsing, or traversing the build errors list otherwise creates multiple windows.

  • Selection margin
    Select to display a margin at the left of each line of text.

    You can use this margin to select text and display information about source lines, including breakpoints, instruction points, and tag pointers.

  • Drag-and-drop text editing
    Select to enable drag-and-drop text editing so you can move or copy text with the mouse.

Save Options

You can use the following:

  • Save before running tools
    Select to have Platform Builder save files before you build a run-time image or run a build utility such as NMAKE.
  • Prompt before saving files
    Select to have Platform Builder display a prompt so you can confirm that you want to save a file.
  • Automatic reload of externally modified files
    Select to have Platform Builder reload externally modified files that have been loaded (but not yet changed) by the editor.

Statement Completion Options

You can use the following:

  • Auto list members
    Select to have the editor display a list of valid member functions and variables when you type "." or "->" after a variable name.

    When this is cleared, you can still invoke the Members list with a key combination.

    The default key combination is CTRL+ALT+T but you can assign different keys by doing the following:

    1. From the Tools menu, select Customize.
    2. Select the Keyboard tab.
    3. Under the Edit category for the text editor, select ListMembers.
  • Code comments
    Select to have the editor display comments for the highlighted item in the Members list (the popup window that appears to help you complete your statement).

    All comments that use the // or /* delimiters are displayed.

    This option does not have a keyboard or menu equivalent.

  • Auto type info
    Select to view type information for an identifier by hovering the mouse over the identifier.

    When cleared, you can still invoke the type information with a key combination.

    The default key combination is CTRL+T but you can assign different keys by doing the following:

    1. From the Tools menu, select Customize.
    2. Select the Keyboard tab.
    3. Under the Edit category for the text editor, select TypeInfo.
  • Auto parameter info
    Select to have the editor displays the complete prototype for a function, including required parameters, after you type the opening parenthesis "(".

    When cleared, you can still invoke the parameter information with a key combination.

    The default key combination is CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE but you can assign different keys by doing the following:

    1. From the Tools menu, select Customize.
    2. Select the Keyboard tab.
    3. Under the Edit category for the text editor, select ParameterInfo.

See Also

Options Dialog Box

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