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Add-in Reference (Windows CE 5.0)

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Microsoft® Platform Builder includes a set of command-line tools and add-ins you can use to create and customize a design template.

After you create and customize a design template, you can use the design template to create a run-time image for download to a target device.

In This Section

  • Add-in Events
    Describes events available from the IApplication interface that you can use to add functionality to your OS design with Platform Builder add-ins.
  • Add-in Interfaces
    Describes interfaces you can use to add support for Platform Builder add-ins to your OS design.
  • Overview of Windows CE Development
    Discusses the integrated development environment (IDE) and development tools for designing, creating, building, testing, and debugging a Microsoft Windows® CE–based run-time image.
  • Modifying an OS Design
    Describes how you can customize an OS design using various methods, such as the following:
    • Adding a project or run-time files to an OS design
    • Modifying shared source code
    • Localizing the OS design
  • Tools for Debugging and Testing
    Provides information about debugging and testing run-time images and applications, using a variety of tools, ranging from the Emulator to the remote tools to the Windows CE Test Kit.
  • Platform Builder IDE
    Describes the Platform Builder IDE user interface and the integrated applications you can use to work with projects, such as resources and resource editors, and source code control systems.

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