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Windows Media Technologies Registry Settings

The registry stores information necessary to configure the system for applications and hardware devices. The registry also contains information that the operating system continually references during operation.

Note   The default registry values vary depending on which features are included in your platform. For more information, see Default Registry Settings.


The registry subkey HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Netshow\Player\General controls buffering and transport protocol properties for Microsoft® Windows Media® technologies. The following table shows the named values for this subkey.

Value : type Description
Buffering Time : REG_DWORD Default setting is 5000. This value sets the buffering time in milliseconds. You can set it to any value between 1 and 30000.
EnableHTTP : REG_DWORD Default setting is 1, indicating that streaming over HTTP is supported. Set this value to 0 to turn off streaming over HTTP.
EnableMulticast : REG_DWORD Default setting is 1, indicating that multicast streaming is supported. Set this value to 0 to turn off multicast streaming.
EnableTCP : REG_DWORD Default setting is 1, indicating that MMS streaming over TCP is supported. Set this value to 0 to turn off MMS streaming over TCP.
EnableUDP : REG_DWORD Default setting is 1, indicating that MMS streaming over UDP is supported. Set this value to 0 to turn off MMS streaming over UDP.
FirstProtocol : REG_DWORD This value identifies the first protocol to try when a client tries to being streaming a new file.
  • 0 - MMS streaming over UDP
  • 1 - MMS streaming over TCP
  • 2 - Streaming over HTTP

If the first protocol fails then Windows Media technologies will attempt the next protocol. If the value is not specified then Windows Media technologies will create the value and enter in the number for the fist protocol that it attempted to stream over.

ManualBandwidth : REG_DWORD This setting allows you to specify a fixed bandwidth for your platform. If no value is specified then the bandwidth is calculated dynamically, which is the behavior recommended for most applications.
Maximum Buffering Time : REG_DWORD Default setting is 5000. This value sets the maximum buffering time in milliseconds. You can set it to any value between 1 and 30000.

Device Color Depth

Windows Media Video output is produced at a color depth of 16 bits per pixel. If your device has a display with a lower color depth, such as a 12-bit LCD controller, you can use the LCDBitDepth named value in the shell registry settings to assure that Windows Media Video content is correctly displayed on your device. For more information, see Shell Registry Settings.

See Also

Windows Media Technologies

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

© 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.