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CMediaType::CMediaType (Windows CE 5.0)

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Constructs a CMediaType object.

CMediaType( );CMediaType(const GUID* majortype);CMediaType(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE& mtype);CMediaType(const CMediaType& cmtype);


  • majortype
    Major type GUID.
  • mtype
    AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure.
  • cmtype
    CMediaType object from which this object is constructed.

Return Values



A CMediaType object can be constructed in a number of different ways. The class provides a default constructor that takes no parameters. It can also be constructed based on an AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure or another CMediaType object. In both cases, it takes a data copy of the format block before returning.


DirectShow applications and DirectShow filters have different include file and link library requirements.

For more information, see Setting Up the Build Environment.

OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.

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