다음을 통해 공유


This function indicates that one or more VerifyUser calls are about to occur. An application call to VerifyUser will result in multiple VerifyUser (LAP) calls, if the VU_UNTIL_SUCCESS flag is set. Before the LASS makes the first VerifyUser (LAP) call, it calls VerifyUserStart. The LAP can use this function to draw its UI. This is a LAP-exported function.

VOID VerifyUserStart(
  const GUID* AEKey,
  LPCWSTR pwszAEDisplayText,
  HWND hWndParent,
  DWORD dwOptions,
  PVOID pExtended


  • AEKey
    [in] Authentication event identifier. The identifier corresponds to the type of authentication required.
  • pwszAEDisplayText
    [in] Pointer to the text for the LAP to display. If this value is NULL, the function uses the value set in the registry.
  • hWndParent
    [in] Handle to the parent window.
  • dwOptions
    [in] A bitmask of options. The following table shows the possible values.
    Value Description
    VU_NO_UI Return from VerifyUserStart without displaying the UI.
    VU_HANDLE_MASTER_KEY Handle master key encryption and decryption if master key encryption and decryption are supported.
    VU_UNTIL_SUCCESS Keep calling into the LAP until the user cancels, or until the user successfully verifies.
  • pExtended
    Reserved. Must be zero.

Return Values



Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 5.0 and later.
Smartphone: Windows Mobile 5.0 and later.
OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Lap.h.
Link Library: Coredll.lib.

See Also

LAP-Exported Functions | VerifyUser (LAP) | VerifyUser