Obtaining a Certificate Using a .cfg File (Windows CE 5.0)
By sing the Enterprise Web Pad image that you created and downloaded on a CEPC or on an Emulator, you can obtain a certificate from a Windows 2000 Certificate Server.
To verify if the .cfg file is in the CEPC device
From the Start menu of the CEPC device, point to Programs, and then select Windows Explorer.
To open the Windows folder, double-click the Windows folder icon.
<.cfg Filename> will be one of the files in the Windows root directory.
To obtain a certificate using the –f option
From the Start menu of the CEPC device, choose Run.
- or -
From the Start menu of the Emulator on your development workstation, choose Run.
In the Run dialog box, type enroll -f\Windows\<.cfg Filename**>** and then choose OK, where \Windows\ represents the <Path>.
The following code shows the syntax:
Enroll –f<path>enroll.cfg
Note Do not use a space between -f and <Path><.cfg Filename**>**.
Type your Windows networking user name, domain, and password, and then choose OK.
In the enrollment dialog box that asks if you want to add the certificate to the store, choose Yes.
A Certificates dialog box with a message that indicates successful enrollment will appear.
To close the dialog box, choose OK.
To verify your new certificate, see Verifying the Existence of a Certificate.
See Also
Certificates OS Design Development | Creating an Enrollment Environment | Configuring Enroll.exe
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