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SecurityFunctionTable (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure is a dispatch table that contains pointers to the callback functions defined in the Sspi.h file.

typedef struct _SECURITY_FUNCTION_TABLE_W {  unsigned long dwVersion;  ENUMERATE_SECURITY_PACKAGES_FN_W EnumerateSecurityPackagesW;  QUERY_CREDENTIALS_ATTRIBUTES_FN_W QueryCredentialsAttributesW;  ACQUIRE_CREDENTIALS_HANDLE_FN_W AcquireCredentialsHandleW;  FREE_CREDENTIALS_HANDLE_FN FreeCredentialsHandle;  void SEC_FAR *Reserved2;  INITIALIZE_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FN_W InitializeSecurityContextW;  ACCEPT_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FN AcceptSecurityContext;  COMPLETE_AUTH_TOKEN_FN CompleteAuthToken;  DELETE_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FN DeleteSecurityContext;  APPLY_CONTROL_TOKEN_FN ApplyControlToken;  QUERY_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES_FN_W QueryContextAttributesW;  IMPERSONATE_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FN ImpersonateSecurityContext;  REVERT_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FN RevertSecurityContext;  MAKE_SIGNATURE_FN MakeSignature;  VERIFY_SIGNATURE_FN VerifySignature;  FREE_CONTEXT_BUFFER_FN FreeContextBuffer;  QUERY_SECURITY_PACKAGE_INFO_FN_W QuerySecurityPackageInfoW;  void SEC_FAR * Reserved3;  void SEC_FAR * Reserved4;  void SEC_FAR * Reserved5;  void SEC_FAR * Reserved6;  void SEC_FAR * Reserved7;  void SEC_FAR * Reserved8;  QUERY_SECURITY_CONTEXT_TOKEN_FN QuerySecurityContextToken;  ENCRYPT_MESSAGE_FN EncryptMessage;  DECRYPT_MESSAGE_FN DecryptMessage;} SecurityFunctionTableW, SEC_FAR * PSecurityFunctionTableW;


  • dwVersion
    Specifies the security table version.
  • EnumerateSecurityPackagesW
    Pointer to the EnumerateSecurityPackages callback function.
  • QueryCredentialsAttributesW
    Pointer to the QueryCredentialsAttributes callback function.
  • AcquireCredentialsHandleW
    Pointer to the AcquireCredentialsHandle callback function.
  • FreeCredentialsHandle
    Pointer to the FreeCredentialsHandle callback function.
  • Reserved2
    Reserved for future use.
  • InitializeSecurityContextW
    Pointer to the InitializeSecurityContextW callback function.
  • AcceptSecurityContext
    Pointer to the AcceptSecurityContext callback function.
  • CompleteAuthToken
    Pointer to the CompleteAuthToken callback function.
  • DeleteSecurityContext
    Pointer to the DeleteSecurityContext callback function.
  • ApplyControlToken
    Pointer to the ApplyControlToken callback function.
  • QueryContextAttributesW
    Pointer to the QueryContextAttributes callback function.
  • ImpersonateSecurityContext
    Pointer to the ImpersonateSecurityContext callback function.
  • RevertSecurityContext
    Pointer to the RevertSecurityContext callback function.
  • MakeSignature
    Pointer to the MakeSignature callback function.
  • VerifySignature
    Pointer to the VerifySignature callback function.
  • FreeContextBuffer
    Pointer to the FreeContextBuffer callback function.
  • QuerySecurityPackageInfoW
    Pointer to the QuerySecurityPackageInfo callback function.
  • Reserved3
    Reserved for future use.
  • Reserved4
    Reserved for future use.
  • Reserved5
    Reserved for future use.
  • Reserved6
    Reserved for future use.
  • Reserved7
    Reserved for future use.
  • Reserved8
    Reserved for future use.
  • QuerySecurityContextToken
    Pointer to the function that obtains the access token for a client security context and uses it directly.
  • EncryptMessage
    Pointer to the EncryptMessage callback function.
  • DecryptMessage
    Pointer to the DecryptMessage callback function.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.10 and later.
Header: Sspi.h.

See Also

AcceptSecurityContext | AcquireCredentialsHandle | ApplyControlToken | CompleteAuthToken | EnumerateSecurityPackages | FreeContextBuffer | InitSecurityInterface | MakeSignature | VerifySignature

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