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Schannel Security Support Provider (Windows CE 5.0)

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Secure Channel, also known as Schannel, is a security support provider (SSP) containing a set of security protocols that provide identity authentication and enhanced communication security through encryption.

Schannel is primarily used for Internet applications that require enhanced security for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) communications.

Schannel Credentials

Schannel protocols require credentials to authenticate servers and, optionally, clients. Server authentication, where the server provides proof of its identity to the client, is required by the Schannel security protocols. Client authentication may be requested by the server at any time.

Schannel credentials are X.509 certificates. Public and private key information from certificates is used to authenticate the server and, optionally, the client. These keys are also used to provide message integrity while the client and the server exchange the information required to generate and exchange session keys.

See Also

Authentication Services | Security Support Provider Interface Architecture | Security Packages | Authentication Services Security | Authentication Services Registry Settings | Authentication Services Reference

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