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Emulator Support for an SDK

The Emulator allows you to create a virtual hardware platform that an application developer can use to test an application. To enable Emulator support in your SDK, you must add support for the Emulator board support package (BSP) to your platform. When you roll an SDK with Emulator support, you enable software on the application development workstation that behaves like the specified hardware platform. The Emulator enables the application developer to emulate a device, for example, a virtual Digital Audio Receiver device, on a desktop x86 development platform. For more information about the Emulator, see Emulator.

During the configuration of an SDK, you can specify whether to use a release or debug OS image for the Emulator. You can specify a screen resolution for the Emulator. You can also include one or more skins for the Emulator to simulate the appearance of the hardware being emulated. For more information about Emulator skins, see Emulator Skin.

You can allow the Emulator to use the Ethernet card on the development workstation by selecting the Ethernet support check box on the Emulation tab in the SDK Configuration Settings dialog box. You can also allow the application developer to configure the Emulator's port settings by selecting the Ports available to be configured check box on the same tab.

The TCP/IP transport protocol is the only method used for the Emulator in an SDK. However, in a minimal IABASE platform configuration, enabling this protocol requires additional configuration. For information, see Emulator Configuration.

Several host-key combinations provide special functionality in the Emulator. Using these key combinations, the application developer can control Emulator operation completely, including buttons on the skin.

See Also

Modifying Emulation Settings for an SDK | Platform Debugging and Testing | Emulator | Emulator Key Combinations | How to Create a Board Support Package | How to Create an SDK for a Custom Platform

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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