다음을 통해 공유

Creating a .cec File for a Driver

You can use the BSP Wizard to create a Catalog feature file (.cec) for a driver that is compatible with a specific BSP. You can then use the CEC Editor to continue modifying the .cec file that the BSP Wizard has created.

For more information about the BSP Wizard and the CEC Editor, see BSP Wizard Overview and CEC Editor.

To create a BSP-specific Catalog feature file using the BSP Wizard

  1. From the Platform menu, choose BSP Wizard, and then choose Next.

    Choose Add driver to an existing BSP, select a BSP from the list, which displays all the installed BSPs on your development workstation, and then choose Next.

  2. In the Catalog feature (.cec) file name box, type a file name. For easy reference, use the same file name as your driver.

    Note   To save a .cec file, use only the .cec file name extension and use lower case letters.

  3. In the Catalog feature (.cec) file directory box, type a path for the .cec file, or select the default directory path, and then choose Next.

    By default, Platform Builder places .cec files in the <Platform Builder installation path>\Cepb\Cec directory.

  4. Choose the Add Driver button, and then, on the Type tab, from the list, select the type of the driver that you are creating a .cec file for.

    Note   Choosing the correct type for the driver informs the IDE about your device's characteristics. Accuracy is important if more than one of this driver type exists in a run-time image or another instance of this driver type exists in a run-time image.

  5. On the General tab, type the appropriate information into the Name, Vendor, Version, Size, and Description boxes.

    It is recommended that you enter a name for the driver that you are adding.

    Note   If you use line feed or carriage return characters, or punctuation when entering information, you cannot import the resulting .cec file into the Catalog. To successfully import a .cec file into the Catalog, do not use line feed, punctuation, or carriage return characters in the CEC Edtior when you enter the information for the .cec file.

  6. On the Variables tab, type any variables associated with the driver, including the BSP variable that selects the driver, by choosing the Add button.

  7. On the Build Info tab, type the appropriate information into the Full path to the build file that builds this driver box.

    This path should point to the directory that contains the DIRS or SOURCES file for this driver.

    The following command shows an example for the Power Management sample driver, located at %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Drivers\PM\Test\Devsample.

  8. Type the appropriate information into the Registry File to copy to the flat release directory box.

    The following command shows the registry file path for the Power Management sample driver, located at %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Drivers\PM\Test\Devsample.

  9. Choose OK.

    Your driver appears in the window as part of the BSP contents. You can add other drivers by repeating steps 1 through 8.

  10. Choose Next, and then choose Finish.

Once you have created a .cec file for your driver using the BSP Wizard, use the CEC Editor to continue customizing the .cec file to fit your needs. For example, you can select what actions the build system should perform on your driver at points that you select in the build process. For more information, see Customizing a .cec File Using the CEC Editor.

See Also

BSP Wizard Overview | CEC Editor | Driver Integration into the IDE | Driver Development Overview | Dirs File | Sources File

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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