다음을 통해 공유

Viewers Modules (Windows CE 5.0)

The following table shows the modules that support the file viewers. For information about adding file viewer support to your OS design, see Applications - End User.

Module Description Note Library
autoshape Supports the document, presentation, and worksheet viewers. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. autoshape.lib
chartapi Supports the worksheet viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. chartapi.lib
dcdgif Supports the image viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. dcdgif.lib
dcdjpeg Supports the document, image, and presentation viewers. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. dcdjpeg.lib
dcdmz Supports the document, presentation, and worksheet viewers. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. dcdmz.lib
dcdpng Supports the document, presentation, and worksheet viewers. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. dcdpng.lib
docviewer Supports the document viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. docviewer.lib
drawing Supports the document and presentation viewers. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. drawing.lib
ecdjpeg Supports the document, image, and presentation viewers. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. ecdjpeg.lib
image Supports the document, image, presentation, and worksheet viewers. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. image.lib
imageviewer Supports the image viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. imageviewer.lib
jpeg Supports the document, image, presentation, and worksheet viewers. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. jpeg.lib
mfdll Supports the document, presentation, and worksheet viewers. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. mfdll.lib
pdfreader Supports the Microsoft PDf viewer by reading the PDF file to display. Not applicable. pdfreader.lib
pdfviewer The Microsoft PDF Viewer. Not applicable. pdfviewer.lib
picstream Supports the document and presentation viewers. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. picstream.lib
png Supports the document, image, presentation, and worksheet viewers. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. png.lib
pp97util Supports presentation viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. pp97util.lib
pp97viewer Supports presentation viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. pp97viewer.lib
presviewer Supports presentation viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. presviewer.lib
rtfrdr Supports the document viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. rtfrdr.lib
Sho Supports image viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. Sho.lib
UIMgr Provides custom controls for the image viewer. Not applicable. uimgr.lib
w97reader Supports the document viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. w97reader.lib
w97util Supports the document viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. w97util.lib
wdsexe Supports the presentation viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. wdsexe.lib
WTResources Supports all viewers. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. WTResources.lib
xls Supports worksheet viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. xls.lib
xlsutil Supports worksheet viewer. Exposes no public functions or interfaces. xlsutil.lib

See Also

Windows CE Modules and Components

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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