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Modifying the Telephony API Client Test

The TAPI Client Test executes the tux –o –d tapiclient –c "-d0 -pT9,5551212 -nl" command line on default execution. You can modify the test by editing the command line. For information about how to edit the command line for a test, see Editing the Command Line for a Test. The following table shows the modifications you can make to the test.

To modify the Telephony API Client Test

To Add this command-line parameter
List all TAPI devices and then exit without making any calls.
Set the number of calls to be made.

The default value for number of calls is 1.

-n number_of_calls
Set the telephone number to be dialed.

The default value is set to NULL. You can specify a phone number using any one of the following formats:

  • Begin the phone number with a plus (+). This format instructs the test to read the number in canonical format—country/region code followed by area code followed by local number—and then translate the number according to TAPI dialing rules for the current location. An example of this format is -p "+1(111)111-1111".
  • Begin the phone number with a pound sign (#). This format instructs the test to set the phone number to NULL. This setting is acceptable is some scenarios, for example when testing a null modem.
  • Begin the phone number with any character other than a plus (+) or pound sign (#). This format instructs the test to dial the number directly. You should precede a phone number to be dialed with a P for pulse or T for tone dialing plus any digits that may be required to access an outside line. An example of this format is -pT9,111-1111.
-p phone_number
Specify the device identifier of the line to be tested. You can obtain a list of device identifiers by using the –l parameter.

The default value for the device identifier is 0, which corresponds to the external modem on most standard configurations of the Microsoft® Windows® CE operating system (OS).

-d device_identifier
Set the dialing timeout, in seconds. A call disconnects if it does not complete in the specified number of seconds.

The default value for dialing timeout is 30 seconds.

-td seconds
Set the connection delay in seconds. The test waits for the specified number of seconds after a call completes prior to disconnecting the call.

The default value for connection delay is 10 seconds.

-tc seconds
Set the hang-up command timeout interval in seconds. The test waits for the specified number of seconds prior to discontinuing a hang-up attempt.

The default value is 5 seconds.

-th seconds
Set the deallocation delay interval in seconds. The test waits for the specified number of seconds after a call is disconnected prior to deallocating the call handle.

The default value is 1 second.

-tw seconds
Display the following dialog boxes, with which you can configure the device and edit the current location:
  • Device Properties, with which you can change the baud and other parameters for the TAPI device.
  • Dialing Properties, with which you can change the location and other parameters that affect address translation.
Display information about the test.

To complete a null modem connection, you must set the bearer mode to 3 and set the baud parameters in the Device Properties dialog box.

If you maximize logging verbosity, the test logs data from the LINEDEVCAPS structure for the device being tested. Verbose logging provides important information such as the name of the device and the bearer as well as the supported media modes.

You can enter Hayes AT modem commands using the Extra Settings box in the Device Properties dialog box. Type commands without the leading "AT" string. For example, to turn off the modem speaker — Hayes command "ATM0" — type M0.

The following table shows the test cases for the TAPI Client Test.

Test case Description
100: List all TAPI device names Lists all TAPI devices and exits without making any calls. This test fails if the TAPI client application, TAPI, or service provider are incompatible with one another.
200: Voice – Data Modem Sets the bearer mode to LINEBEARERMODE_VOICE and the media mode to LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM. This test case fails if the service provider does not support 3.1-kHz analog voice as the bearer mode and data modem as the media mode.
201: Data – Data Modem Sets the bearer mode to LINEBEARERMODE_DATA and the media mode to LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM. This test case fails if the service provider does not support data transfer as the bearer mode and data modem as the media mode.


This test library can have one or more optional command-line entries to change the behavior of the test. To specify one or more optional command-line entries to the test library, you must use the –c command-line option. This option forces Tux to pass the specified string into the test library.

See Also

Telephony API Client Test

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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