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nk Module

The nk module supports Microsoft Windows CE .NET kernel functionality and is required for all configurations.

Functions for OS Developers

The nk module includes functions for OS configuration, which are defined in the Celog.h, Kerninst.c, Mkfuncs.h, Nkintr.h, Oemioctl.c, Pkfuncs.h, Profiler.h, Pwindbas.h, Pwinuser.h, Winbase.h, Windev.h, and Winnt.h header files. The following table shows the functions that are included in the nk module.

CacheErrorHandler KSystemTimeToFileTime
CacheSync LoadDriver
CeLogInterrupt LockPages
CeLogThreadMigrate LogProcessCreate
CertifyModule LogProcessDelete
CertifyModuleFinal LogThreadCreate
CertifyModuleInit LogThreadDelete
ForcePageout LogThreadSwitch
GetCurrentPermissions MapPtrToProcess
GetEPC NotifyWinUserSystem
GetIdleTime ProfilerHit
GetOwnerProcess SC_GetTickCount
GetSystemMemoryDivision SetInterruptEvent
HookInterrupt SetKernelCommDev
InitPubKey SetKMode
InterruptDisable SetProcPermissions
InterruptDone SetStoreQueueBase
InterruptInitialize SetSystemMemoryDivision
INTERRUPTS_ON UnhookInterrupt
IsAPIReady UnlockPages
KCompareFileTime UnMapPtr
KernelIoControl VirtualCopy

Functions for Application Developers

The nk module contains functions for application developers, which are defined in the Winnt.h and Winbase.h header files. To import these functions, you must link to the Nk.lib file. The following table shows the functions that are included in the nk module.

CeGetCurrentTrust GetTickCount
CeGetThreadPriority IsBadCodePtr
CeGetThreadQuantum IsBadReadPtr
CeSetThreadPriority IsBadWritePtr
CeSetThreadQuantum LoadLibrary
CreateEvent LoadLibraryEx
CreateFileForMapping LoadResource
CreateFileMapping OpenProcess
CreateMutex OutputDebugString
CreateProcess QueryPerformanceCounter
CreateSemaphore QueryPerformanceFrequency
CreateThread ReadProcessMemory
DebugActiveProcess ReleaseMutex
DisableThreadLibraryCalls ResumeThread
FindResource SetThreadContext
FlushViewOfFile SetThreadPriority
FreeLibrary Sleep
GetCommandLine TerminateProcess
GetExitCodeProcess TerminateThread
GetExitCodeThread UnmapViewOfFile
GetLastError VirtualAlloc
GetModuleFileName VirtualFree
GetModuleHandle VirtualProtect
GetSystemInfo VirtualQuery
GetThreadContext WaitForDebugEvent
GetThreadPriority WaitForMultipleObjects
GetThreadTimes WriteProcessMemory

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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