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Modifying the Direct3D Basic Rasterization Test

The Direct3D Basic Rasterization Test executes the D3DC_BasicRst [testcase[:testrange]][options] command line on default execution. You can modify the test by editing the command line. For information about how to edit the command line for a test, see Editing the Command Line for a Test. The following table shows the modifications that you can make to the test.

To modify the Direct3D Basic Rasterization Test

To Add this command-line parameter
Display the command line help.
Run the invalid parameter tests.
Specify the device to be used as the source for rendering comparisons.

The default value is HAL.

Specify the device to be used as the reference image for the rendering comparisons.

The default value is REF.


The following list shows acceptable values for the <dev> command-line argument.

  • HAL: Basic HAL device
  • TNL: HAL device supporting transformation and lighting
  • MSWHAL: HAL device using mixed software vertex processing
  • MHWHAL: HAL device using mixed hardware vertex processing
  • PUREHAL: Pure HAL device
  • REF: Basic reference rasterizer device
  • TNLREF: Reference rasterizer supporting transformation and lighting
  • MSWREF: Reference rasterizer using mixed software vertex processing
  • MHWREF: Reference rasterizer using mixed hardware vertex processing
  • PUREREF: Pure reference rasterizer

While the test runs, you can use the keyboard keys on your Windows CE-based device to control the flow of test cases. The following table shows the keys you can use to control the test.

Key Action
SPACEBAR Pauses or restarts test
S Single-steps through test
G Restarts test
RIGHT ARROW Executes test in the forward direction
LEFT ARROW Executes test in the reverse direction
F8 Displays results of SCR versus REF comparison

The following table shows the test cases for the Direct3D Basic Rasterization Test.

Test case Description
Culling Renders triangles with clockwise culling, counterclockwise culling, and no culling. Any culling types not supported by the driver are skipped.
Dither Renders a large triangle using a gradient with dithering both enabled and disabled. This test case is skipped if the driver does not support D3DPRASTERCAPS_DITHER.
Fill Renders simple, color-filled triangles of varying shapes and sizes.
Shading Renders a number of triangles with vertices of differing colors using both flat and Gouraud shading. This test case verifies that the driver correctly choice of provoking vertex and correct interpolates color.
Zwrite Renders two triangles at differing depths with differing combinations of D3DRS_ZENABLE and D3DRS_ZWRITEENABLE.
MeshTL Renders triangle strips and fans of differing shapes using a pre-transformed, pre-lit vertex format.
MeshL Renders triangle strips and fans of differing shapes using a pre-lit, but not pre-transformed vertex format.
MeshD3D Renders triangle strips and fans of differing shapes using the basic D3D vertex format. The triangle strips and fans are not transformed or lit, allowing D3D to perform the transformation and lighting calculations.
ColorWrite Renders triangles with the D3DRS_COLORWRITEENABLE render state in different configurations. This test is skipped if the driver does not support D3DPMISCCAPS_COLORWRITEENABLE.
NoDiffuse Renders indexed and non-indexed primitives that contain no diffuse color in the vertices. This test case should generate a solid white image.


This test library can have one or more optional command-line entries to change the behavior of the test. To specify one or more optional command-line entries to the test library, you must use the –c command-line option. This option forces Tux to pass the specified string into the test library.

See Also

Direct3D Basic Rasterization Test

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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