다음을 통해 공유

Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application Overview

The Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application feature for Microsoft® Windows® CE .NET allows a user to provide input by writing on a touch screen. This feature differs from the Handwriting Recognizer Engine that you can select as a separate feature from the Catalog, and the Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application provides its own recognition engine. The Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application feature and the recognition engine work in conjunction with the touch driver to allow recognition of the characters that a user writes on the screen.

Feature Summary

The following table shows operating system design information for Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application.

Element Information
Dependencies Requires the Touch Screen (Stylus) feature and a keyboard driver.
Hardware considerations Requires a touch screen.

You can use the null keyboard driver to satisfy the dependency on the keyboard driver. To include a null keyboard driver in your platform, set the CE_MODULES variable to include the keybd and nopkeyboard modules and set the BSP_KEYBD_NOP environment variable equal to 1.

For information about specific requirements for the touch screen driver and hardware when you include the Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application feature in your platform, see Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application Implementation Considerations.

The Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application feature does not work well with the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). This feature cannot send input by using RDP and it requires information from the underlying window on the host device that the RDP client does not make available.

Modules and Components

The following table shows the components and modules that implement Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application.

Item Module Component
Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application transcriber None

The Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application feature supports the English, French, and German languages. The error rate for the French and German versions of the Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application can be higher than the error rate for the English version; therefore, you should test to be sure that the error rate is acceptable before you include the French or German version in your platform.

The Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application feature is provided as libraries and executable files, not as source code. The following table shows the library, executable, and Help files provided with the Transcriber Recognizer Handwriting Application feature.

File Description
Tch_trns.lib A library that allows the Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application to interact with the touch driver. You must link this library with the libraries for the touch driver and include the entry points for the library in the .def file for your touch driver.
TranscriberEnu.lib, TranscriberFra.lib, TranscriberDeu.lib Libraries for the Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application for the English, French, and German languages, respectively. Compiling these libraries creates the TranscriberEnu.exe, TranscriberFra.exe, and TranscriberDeu.exe files.
TranscriberEnu.exe, TranscriberFra.exe, TranscriberDeu.exe Executable files for the Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application for the English, French, and German languages, respectively.
TraRecoEnu.lib, TraRecoFra.lib, TraRecoDeu.lib Library files that provide the ability to recognize ink for the English, French, and German languages, respectively. Compiling these libraries creates the TraRecoEnu.dll, TraRecoFra.dll, and TraRecoDeu.dll files.
TraShapeSelectorEnu.lib, TraShapeSelectorFra.lib, TraShapeSelectorDeu.lib Library files that allow the recognition of individual letter shapes based on the preferences of the user for the English, French, and German languages, respectively. Compiling these libraries creates the TraShapeSelectorEnu.exe, TraShapeSelectorFra.exe, and TraShapeSelectorDeu.exe files.
TranscriberEnu.htm, TranscriberFra.htm, TranscriberGer.htm, Msrg_entr.bmp, Msrg_space.bmp, Msrg_back.bmp, Msrg_wdel.bmp, Msrg_all.bmp, Msrg_case.bmp, Msrg_undo.bmp, Msrg_copy.bmp, Msrg_cut.bmp, Msrg_paste.bmp, Msrg_tab.bmp, Msrg_ckmk.bmp, Bt_arw.bmp, Bt_rmode.bmp, Bt_kbrd.bmp, Bt_corwin.bmp Help files and bitmaps that provide user documentation for the Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application in English, French, and German, respectively.

Windows CE also provides sample applications for testing that the touch screen driver performs satisfactorily enough to work well with the Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application. These sample applications are contained in the %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Demos\Inksamp and %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Demos\Inksamp2 directories, and the applications compile as Inksamp.exe and Inksamp2.exe, respectively. Inksamp.exe measures the point rate. InkSamp2.exe allows you to look for problems with the continuity of the ink. For information about using these sample applications to test that the touch screen driver performs satisfactorily enough to work well with the Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application, see Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application Implementation Considerations.

When you build a platform that includes the Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application feature, the executable files and Help files are included in the Windows directory on the device.

Operating System Development Topics

Transcriber Handwriting Recognizer Application Implementation Considerations

 Last updated on Friday, April 09, 2004

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