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This structure is used by the CardGetParsedTuple function to return data for the CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY tuple code. This structure represents, in a fixed form, the information contained in a variable-length CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY tuple code as parsed by CardGetParsedTuple.

typedef struct { 
  POWER_DESCR Vpp1Descr;
  POWER_DESCR Vpp2Descr;
  UINT8 NumIOEntries;
  UINT8 ConfigIndex;
  UINT8 ContainsDefaults;
  UINT8 IFacePresent;
  UINT8 IFaceType;
  UINT8 BVDActive;
  UINT8 WPActive;
  UINT8 ReadyActive;
  UINT8 WaitRequired;
  UINT8 IOAccess;
  UINT8 NumIOAddrLines;


  • VccDescr
    Specifies the power description for the Vcc voltage supply.
  • Vpp1Descr
    Specifies the power description for the Vpp1 voltage supply.
  • Vpp2Descr
    Specifies the power description for the Vpp2 voltage supply. If the ValidMask member of the POWER_DESCR structure indicates no valid voltage values for Vpp2, the values in **Vpp1Descr****describe both Vpp1 and Vpp2.
  • IOLength
    Specifies an array of the lengths of the I/O address ranges described by this CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY. IOLength[0] is the length of the I/O address range starting at address IOBase[0].
  • IOBase
    Specifies an array of the base addresses of the I/O address ranges described by this CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY.
  • NumIOEntries
    Specifies the number of I/O addresses in the arrays IOLength and IOBase.
  • ConfigIndex
    Specifies a configuration index value. The PC Card conforms to the behavior described by this CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY if this value is written to the configuration option register. See CardRequestConfiguration.
  • ContainsDefaults
    The values described by this CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY can be used as defaults for subsequent CISTPL_CFTABLE_ENTRY parsing.
  • IFacePresent
    If this member is not 0, the IFaceType, BVDActive, WPActive, ReadyActive, and WaitRequired members contain valid values.
  • IFaceType
    Specifies one of the following interface types.
    Value Description
    0 (0) Indicates a memory-only interface.
    1 Indicates an I/O interface.
    2, 3 Reserved.
    4–7 Indicates a custom interface.
    8–15 Reserved.
  • BVDActive
    Specifies TRUE if BVD1 and BVD2 are active in the pin replacement register (PRR).
  • WPActive
    Specifies TRUE if the card write protect is active in the PRR.
  • ReadyActive
    Specifies TRUE if the READY signal is active in the PRR.
  • WaitRequired
    Specifies TRUE if the WAIT signal is required for memory cycles.
  • IOAccess
    Specifies one of the following I/O access options.
    Value Description
    1 Indicates 8-bit only.
    2 Indicates that 8-bit access to 16-bit memory is unsupported.
    3 Indicates that 8-bit access to 16-bit memory is supported.
  • NumIOAddrLines
    Specifies the number of I/O address lines. If 0, the socket controller provides address decode. If the number is from 1 through 26, the value is the number of address lines decoded.


OS Versions: Windows CE 1.0 and later.
Header: Tuple.h.

See Also

CardRequestConfiguration | CardGetParsedTuple | PARSED_CONFIG | POWER_DESCR

 Last updated on Tuesday, May 18, 2004

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