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Tutorial Step 1: Creating a Catalog Feature File

The Catalog for Windows CE is extensible. You can supplement the features available in the Catalog with features that you create. After writing the code for the OS components that you want to include in your feature, you are ready to take the steps required to add the feature to the Catalog.

Platform Builder builds the Catalog from a collection of Catalog feature (.cec) files. A .cec file is a text file that contains the information that allows Platform Builder to display the feature in the IDE and build the feature into a platform. For example, a .cec file might contain the location of the feature in the Catalog, dependencies that the feature may have on other features or components, and names and locations of files that need to be included when a platform is built to enable the platform to support the feature.

To add your feature to the Catalog, you must first create a .cec file for your feature.

To create a Catalog feature file

  1. From the Tools menu, choose CEC Editor.

  2. In the CEC Editor window, from the Insert menu, choose Feature Group.

  3. Select the General tab, and in the Name box, type My Feature Group.

  4. In the Description box, type This is a sample feature group.

  5. In the Group box, type \New Feature, and then choose OK.

    The Group box tells the Catalog where to display your feature. Your feature appears under a top-level folder named New Feature.

  6. From the File menu, choose Save As.

  7. Navigate to the <Platform Builder installation path>\Cepb\Cec directory.

  8. In the File name box, type MyFeature, and then choose Save.

    This action creates a MyFeature.cec file in which you enter the information for your feature.

You are now ready to continue editing the .cec file to include additional information about your feature.

See Also

Tutorial Step 2: Adding an Implementation | Tutorial: Creating a Feature and Adding It to a Platform

 Last updated on Wednesday, April 14, 2004

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