IMultiLanguage2 (Windows CE 5.0)
This interface provides methods for character set conversions, code page detection, and the retrieval of information on code pages, locales, and character sets. It also provides access to the IEnumCodePage, IEnumRfc1766, and IMLangConvertCharset interfaces. This interface is not supported on all Windows CE-based operating systems. See the SDK documentation specific to your target device to see whether this functionality is supported.
The following table shows the methods for this interface in alphabetical order. Like all COM interfaces, this interface inherits the methods for the IUnknown interface.
Method | Description |
ConvertString | Converts the given source string from the source code page to the destination code page. |
ConvertStringFromUnicode | Translates the source Unicode string to the specified multibyte code page. |
ConvertStringFromUnicodeEx | Translates the source Unicode string to the specified multibyte code page. |
ConvertStringInIStream | Converts the given stream from the source code page to the destination code page. |
ConvertStringToUnicode | Translates the source string from the specified code page to Unicode. |
ConvertStringToUnicodeEx | Translates the multibyte string from the specified code page to Unicode. |
CreateConvertCharset | Creates a charset Conversion object and retrieves its corresponding IMLangConvertCharset interface. |
DetectCodepageInIStream | Detects the code page of the given stream. |
DetectInputCodepage | Detects the code page of the given string. |
EnumCodePages | Creates a Code Page Enumeration object, initializes it with the value specified with grfFlags, and retrieves the corresponding IEnumCodePage interface. |
EnumRfc1766 | Creates a Locale Enumeration object and retrieves the corresponding IEnumRfc1766 interface. |
EnumScripts | Creates a Script Enumeration object, initializes it with the specified SCRIPTINFO constants, and retrieves the corresponding IEnumScript interface. |
GetCharsetInfo | Retrieves the MIMECSETINFO structure corresponding to the specified charset name. |
GetCodePageDescription | Retrieves the code page description that corresponds to uiCodePage. |
GetCodePageInfo | Retrieves the MIMECPINFO structure corresponding to the specified code page. |
GetFamilyCodePage | Retrieves the family code page identifier value of the specified code page. |
GetLcidFromRfc1766 | Retrieves the locale identifier (LCID) value corresponding to the given RFC1766-conforming name. |
GetNumberOfCodePageInfo | Retrieves the number of code pages for which there is information available on the system. |
GetNumberOfScripts | Retrieves the number of scripts. |
GetRfc1766FromLcid | Retrieves the RFC1766-conforming name that corresponds to the given LCID. |
GetRfc1766Info | Retrieves an RFC1766INFO structure that corresponds to the given LCID value. |
IsConvertible | Checks if the charset conversion from the source code page to the destination code page can be performed. |
SetMimeDBSource | Sets the MIME database to be used by MLang. |
This interface updates the IMultiLanguage interface by adding and expanding methods. These changes create a new code page detection functionality and enhance the existing character set conversion functionality. The IMultiLanguage2 interface also supports the original capabilities of the IMultiLanguage interface, such as character set conversion and information retrieval from the MIME database. The IMultiLanguage2 interface should be used instead of the IMultiLanguage interface.
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Mlang.h, Mlang.idl.
Link Library: Mlang.dll.
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