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Tutorial Step 8: Creating an SDK for eMbedded Visual C++ (Windows CE 5.0)

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After you customize your OS design and boot and debug the run-time image, you can use Platform Builder to create, configure, and build an SDK for the run-time image.

Developers can use this SDK to create applications based on the run-time image you created.

In this step, you create an SDK for Microsoft® eMbedded Visual C++®.

To create and build an SDK for eMbedded Visual C++

  1. From the Platform Builder Platform menu, choose SDK and then choose New SDK.

  2. When the SDK Wizard appears, choose Next.

  3. In the Product name that is displayed when .msi file runs box, type MyOSDesignSDK.

  4. In the Manufacturer name box, type MyCompany, and then choose Next.

  5. Verify that the eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 support check box is selected, and then choose Next.

  6. On the final page, choose Close this wizard and continue configuring your SDK.

    The wizard closes and the SDK Settings dialog box opens.

  7. In the SDK Settings dialog box, choose the EULA/Readme tab and select the Include custom end-user license agreement check box.

  8. In the End-user license agreement path box, enter or select the location and name of a file as a Rich Text Format (.rtf) file that you want to use as a sample custom End User License Agreement (EULA).

    The custom EULA you include is displayed in a separate dialog box when the SDK is installed.

  9. Choose the Emulation tab, and then, in the Configuration field, verify that you have selected a build configuration for your SDK.

    For this tutorial, select a Debug configuration.

    Selecting a Debug configuration might help prevent errors from occurring when you build your SDK.

  10. Apply your changes to the SDK and close the window by choosing OK.

  11. From the Platform menu, choose SDK and then choose Build SDK.

    The SDK Wizard dialog box displays information while the SDK is being built.

  12. When the build is complete, to close the dialog box, choose Done.

    Your SDK is in the MyOSDesign_SDK.msi file in the %_WINCEROOT%\PBWorkspaces\MyOSDesign\SDK directory.

You have completed this tutorial and successfully created and debugged a custom run-time image and a simple application that runs in the Emulator. You have also successfully created an SDK for your run-time image.

See Also

Tutorial Step 7: Running the Application in the Emulator on the Custom Run-Time Image | Tutorial: Building a Run-Time Image for the Emulator | Tutorials | Developing an Application

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