VOIP_E_ (Windows CE 5.0)
These constants indicate the outcome of an application programming interface (API) call. The following table shows the VoIP error codes.
Value | Description |
VOIP_E_ENUMOUTOFDATE = 0x80cc0000 | The data underlying this enumerator has changed since the enumerator was last used. For calls to the enumerator to succeed, you must call Reset. |
VOIP_E_NOTINITIALIZED = 0x80cc0001 | VoIP Manager is not initialized. |
VOIP_E_RECORDNOTINDB = 0x80cc0002 | Record does not exist in the database. |
VOIP_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED = 0x80cc0003 | Interface was already initialized and cannot be initialized again until it is uninitialized. |
VOIP_E_NODB = 0x80cc0004 | Database does not exist. It can also mean that the database is not initialized by the VoIP Manager. |
VOIP_E_NOTCURRENTCALL = 0x80cc0005 | IVoIPCurrentCall is not current. The call has been disconnected and is no longer maintained by the VoIP Manager. |
VOIP_E_BUSY = 0x80cc0006 | VoIP Manager is waiting to initialize, reregister, or waiting to shutdown asynchronously. At this time, manager is not available. |
VOIP_E_NOACTIVECALL = 0x80cc0007 | No active call right now. |
VOIP_E_TIMENOTSET = 0x80cc0008 | Time is not set. |
VOIP_E_INVALIDCALLSTATUS = 0x80cc0009 | Current call does not have the appropriate status set for this operation. |
VOIP_E_PROVISIONING_FAILED = 0x80cc000b | VoIP Manager cannot get a URI and a server from the directory clients, therefore intialization fails. |
VOIP_E_NOMEDIAMGR = 0x80cc000c | No media manager is installed on the device. The VoIP Manager requires a media manager. |
VOIP_E_TOOMANYCONFERENCEPARTICIPANTS = 0x80cc000d | An attempt was made to create a conference call with more than the maximum number of participants. The maximum number of participants is defined by the media manager implementation using the LocalConferenceLimit registry setting. For more information, see VAIL Configuration Registry Settings.
Note This value is only available in Windows CE 5.0 and later. |
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: Voiperrorcodes.h
See Also
VoIP Application Interface Layer Architecture | VoIP Application Interface Layer Reference
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