Message Box Styles (Windows CE 5.0)
The following tables show the styles that are supported by Windows CE.
Button style | Description |
MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE | Specifies that the message box contains three buttons: Abort, Retry, and Ignore. |
MB_DEFBUTTON1 | Specifies that the first button is the default button. The first button is always the default unless you specify MB_DEFBUTTON2. |
MB_DEFBUTTON2 | Specifies that the second button is the default button. |
MB_DEFBUTTON3 | Specifies that the third button is the default button. |
MB_OK | Specifies that the message box contains one button: OK. |
MB_OKCANCEL | Specifies that the message box contains two buttons: OK and Cancel. |
MB_RETRYCANCEL | Specifies that the message box contains two buttons: Retry and Cancel. |
MB_YESNO | Specifies that that the message box contains two buttons: Yes and No. |
MB_YESNOCANCEL | Specifies that the message box contains three buttons: Yes, No, and Cancel. |
Icon style | Description |
Includes an icon consisting of a lowercase letter "i" in a circle in the message box. |
Includes a stop-sign icon in the message box. |
Includes an exclamation-point icon in the message box. |
MB_ICONQUESTION | Includes a question-mark icon in the message box. |
Window style | Description |
MB_APPLMODAL | Specifies that the user must respond to the message box before continuing work in the window that is identified by the hWnd parameter. However, the user can move to the windows of other applications and work in those windows.
Depending on the hierarchy of windows in the application, the user might be able to move to other windows within the application. All child windows of the message box's parent window are automatically disabled, but pop-up windows are not. MB_APPLMODAL is the default value. |
MB_SETFOREGROUND | Specifies that the message box becomes the foreground window. |
MB_TOPMOST | Creates the message box with the WS_EX_TOPMOST window style. |
See Also
Window and Message Box Styles | Control Styles
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