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IEnumPins::Clone (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method makes a copy of the enumerator. This allows the calling application to retain two positions in the list of pins.

HRESULT Clone(IEnumPins** ppEnum);


  • ppEnum
    [out] New enumerator, which is a copy of this enumerator.

Return Values

Returns an HRESULT value that depends on the implementation. HRESULT can be one of the following standard constants, or other values not listed.

Value Description
E_FAIL Failure.
E_POINTER Null pointer argument.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid argument.
E_NOTIMPL Method is not supported.
S_OK or NOERROR Success.


DirectShow applications and DirectShow filters have different include file and link library requirements.

For more information, see Setting Up the Build Environment.

Pocket PC: Windows Mobile 5.0 and later
Smartphone: Windows Mobile 5.0 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.

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