IBrowser2 (Windows CE 5.0)
The IBrowser2 interface extends the functionality of the IBrowser interface by providing methods for the following:
- ClearType support
- Fit-to-screen capability
- Changing page layouts
- Playing sounds
- Executing scripts
- Rendering images
- Text zoom
Methods in Vtable Order
IBrowser2 methods | Description |
get_LayoutWidth | Gets a value indicating the width of the document currently displayed in the browser. |
get_LayoutHeight | Gets a value indicating the height of the document currently displayed in the browser. |
get_LocationBaseURL | Gets the base URL of the resource that the Internet browser is currently displaying. The base URL is used to construct relative URLs. |
put_LocationBaseURL | Sets the base URL of the resource that the Internet browser is currently displaying. The base URL is used to construct relative URLs. |
get_ClearTypeEnabled | Gets a Boolean value indicating that ClearType is enabled or disabled. |
put_ClearTypeEnabled | Sets a Boolean value indicating that ClearType is enabled or disabled. |
get_ScriptingEnabled | Gets a Boolean value indicating that JavaScript is enabled or disabled for the document currently displayed in the browser. |
put_ScriptingEnabled | Sets a Boolean value indicating that JavaScript is enabled or disabled for the document currently displayed in the browser. |
get_FitToWindow | Gets a Boolean value indicating that resizing of content to fit the browser window is enabled or disabled. |
put_FitToWindow | Sets a Boolean value indicating that resizing of content to fit the browser window is enabled or disabled. |
get_ShowImages | Gets a Boolean value indicating that images are enabled or disabled for Web pages. |
put_ShowImages | Sets a Boolean value indicating that images are enabled or disabled for Web pages. |
get_PlaySounds | Gets a Boolean value indicating that sounds are enabled or disabled for Web pages. |
put_PlaySounds | Sets a Boolean value indicating that sounds are enabled or disabled for Web pages. |
get_ZoomLevel | Gets the zoom level. |
put_ZoomLevel | Sets the zoom level. |
The interface ID for IBrowser2 is IID_IBrowser2.
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Browser, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
IID_IUnknown, (void**)&pUnknown);
if (FAILED (hr)) exit(0); // Replace with specific error handling.
hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IBrowser2, (void**)&pBrowser2);
if (FAILED (hr)) exit(0); // Replace with specific error handling.
OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: webvw.h
Library: wvuuid.lib
See Also
Pocket Internet Explorer Browser API Interfaces
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