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OID_802_5_CURRENT_RING_STATE (Windows CE 5.0)

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This object specifies the current ring state.

The following table shows the possible states of the NIC driver with respect to entering the ring.

NIC driver state Description
NdisRingStateOpened Specifies an open ring.
NdisRingStateClosed Specifies a closed ring.
NdisRingStateOpening Specifies a ring that is opening.
NdisRingStateClosing Specifies a ring that is closing.
NdisRingStateOpenFailure Specifies a failure of a ring open operation.
NdisRingStateRingFailure Specifies a failure of the ring.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ntddndis.h.

See Also

MiniportQueryInformation | MiniportReset | MiniportSetInformation | NdisMIndicateStatus | NdisOpenAdapter | NDIS_PACKET | NdisRequest | NDIS_REQUEST | ProtocolStatus

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