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ShowPrompt (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method is called by MSHTML to display a user input prompt.

HRESULT ShowPrompt(  HWND hwnd,  LPOLESTR lpstrMessage,  LPOLESTR lpstrDefault,  VARIANT *pvarText,  LRESULT *plResult);


  • hwnd
    [in] Specifies the handle to the host window.
  • lpstrMessage
    [in] Pointer to the string that contains the text for the message box.
  • lpstrDefault
    [in] Pointer to the string that contains the default text for the edit box.
  • pvarText
    [in] Pointer to a VT_BSTR that contains the returned text in the edit box.
  • plResult
    [out] Receives an LRESULT value that indicates whether the OK or the Cancel button was clicked.

Return Values

The following table shows the possible return values.

Value Description
S_OK The host displayed its user interface (UI). MSHTML does not display its message box.
S_FALSE Host did not display its UI. MSHTML displays its message box.
E_NOTIMPL MSHTML uses the native prompt.


Allocate memory for the pvarText value by using the SysAllocString function. MSHTML releases the allocated memory.


OS Versions: Windows CE 5.0 and later.
Header: Mshtmhst.h, Mshtmhst.idl.

See Also

Replacement of the MSHTML User Interface | IDocHostShowUICE:IUnknown

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