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Tutorial Step 7: Adding the Catalog Item to the OS Design (Windows CE 5.0)

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After creating an OS design you can add your Catalog item to the design.

To add the Catalog item to the OS design

  1. If the Catalog is not already displayed, from the Platform Builder View menu, choose Catalog.

  2. If the workspace window for your OS design is not already displayed, from the View menu, choose Workspace.

  3. In the Catalog, navigate to Third Party\New Item and choose My Catalog Item.

  4. Right-click My Catalog Item and choose Add to OS Design.

    You have created a Catalog item and added the item to your OS design.

You can now build your OS design.

See Also

Tutorial Step 8: Building the OS Design | Tutorial Step 6: Creating an OS Design | Tutorial: Creating a Catalog Item and Adding It to an OS Design | Build Phases

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