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NdisReleaseReadWriteLock (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function releases a lock that was acquired in a preceding call to NdisAcquireReadWriteLock.

VOID NdisReleaseReadWriteLock(PNDIS_RW_LOCKLock,PLOCK_STATELockState);


  • Lock
    [in] Points to the acquired lock to be released.
  • LockState
    [in] Points to an opaque variable that tracks the state of the lock. This variable exists in the interval between the time the caller acquires and releases the lock.

Return Values



A driver must initialize a lock before calling any other NdisXXXReadWriteLock function used to gain or release read or write access to the resources protected by that lock. The NdisInitializeReadWriteLock function is used to initialize a lock.

A driver must call NdisAcquireReadWriteLock to acquire a lock before the driver can call NdisReleaseReadWriteLock. Each call to NdisAcquireReadWriteLock requires a reciprocal call to NdisReleaseReadWriteLock.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ndis.h.

See Also

NdisAcquireReadWriteLock | NdisInitializeReadWriteLock

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