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This structure is used to specify the version numbers and various callback functions for a protocol.



  • MajorNdisVersion
    Specifies the major version of the NDIS library that the driver is using. The current value is 0x05 although the NDIS library continues to support existing drivers developed for NDIS 4.0.

    This member must be set to 0x05 if the caller is an NDIS intermediate driver or if the caller sets entry points in any members following Name.

  • MinorNdisVersion
    Specifies the minor NDIS version. The current value is 0x01 although NDIS continues to support existing drivers.

  • Reserved
    Reserved for system use.

  • OpenAdapterCompleteHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolOpenAdapterComplete function.

  • CloseAdapterCompleteHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolCloseAdapterComplete function.

  • SendCompleteHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolSendComplete function.

  • TransferDataCompleteHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolTransferDataComplete function.

  • ResetCompleteHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolResetComplete function.

  • RequestCompleteHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolRequestComplete function.

  • ReceiveHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolReceive function.

  • ReceiveCompleteHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolReceiveComplete function.

  • StatusHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolStatus function.

  • StatusCompleteHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolStatusComplete function.

  • Name
    Specifies a pointer to a buffered caller-initialized counted string in the system-default character set that names the driver.

    NdisRegisterProtocol converts the supplied string to uppercase, so a protocol driver writer cannot assume that changing the case of an already registered protocol name creates a unique name for the driver.

  • ReceivePacketHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolReceivePacket function, if any, or NULL. Protocols that bind to any driver that supports multipacket receive indications should supply a ProtocolReceivePacket function to enhance their performance. MajorNdisVersion must be set to 0x04.

  • BindAdapterHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolBindAdapter function, if any, or NULL. NDIS intermediate drivers usually supply a ProtocolBindAdapter function, which both makes them Plug and Play–ready and allows the intermediate driver to call NdisIMRegisterLayeredMiniport and to defer full driver initialization until underlying NIC drivers have initialized. MajorNdisVersion must be set to 0x04.

  • UnbindAdapterHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolUnbindAdapter function, if any, or NULL. NDIS drivers that supply a ProtocolBindAdapter function must also supply a ProtocolUnbindAdapter function. MajorNdisVersion must be set to 0x04.

  • TranslateHandler
    Specifies the entry point of the caller's ProtocolTranslate function, if any, or NULL. Such a function currently is not called, and this member is reserved for future use by Plug and Play–aware protocols. MajorNdisVersion must be set to 0x04.

  • UnloadHandler
    Set to NULL by Windows CE–based protocol drivers. MajorNdisVersion must be set to 0x04.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ndis.h.

See Also

ProtocolOpenAdapterComplete | ProtocolCloseAdapterComplete | ProtocolSendComplete | ProtocolTransferDataComplete | ProtocolResetComplete | ProtocolRequestComplete | ProtocolStatus | ProtocolStatusComplete | NdisRegisterProtocol | ProtocolReceivePacket | ProtocolBindAdapter | ProtocolUnbindAdapter

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