다음을 통해 공유


This method retrieves the set of code pages whose characters can be output by the given font on the given device context.

HRESULT GetFontCodePages( 
  HDC hDC,
  HFONT hFont,
  DWORD* pdwCodePages


  • hDC
    [in] Handle to a device context.
  • hFont
    [in] Handle to a font object.
  • pdwCodePages
    [out] Pointer to an unsigned long integer that receives the address of a set of code pages.

Return Values

Returns S_OK if successful or an error value otherwise.

Example Code

The following example shows the syntax that checks to see if a character can be output in a specified font on a given device context.

// pMLangFontLink - pointer to an IMLangFontLink interface.
DWORD dwFontCodePages;
DWORD dwCharCodePages;
pMLangFontLink->GetFontCodePages(hDC, hFont, &dwFontCodePages);
pMLangFontLink->GetCharCodePages(ch, &dwCharCodePages);
if(dwCharCodePages & dwFontCodePages)
    // Character ch can be output with hFont on hDC.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Mlang.h, Mlang.idl.
Link Library: Mlang.dll.

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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