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This function initiates a bulk transfer to a universal serial bus (USB) device on the specified endpoint.

typedef USB_TRANSFER (* LPISSUE_BULK_TRANSFER)(  USB_PIPE hPipe,  LPTRANSFER_NOTIFY_ROUTINE NotifyRoutine,  LPVOID NotifyContext,  DWORD Flags,  DWORD BufferLength,   LPVOID pBuffer,  ULONG PhysAddr);


  • hPipe
    [in] Handle to an open USB pipe.
  • NotifyRoutine
    [in] Pointer to a transfer completion routine of type LPTRANSFER_NOTIFY_ROUTINE, or NULL if no callback routine is necessary.
  • NotifyContext
    [in] Pointer to the parameter to pass to the transfer completion routine.
  • Flags
    [in] USB_XXX flags for the transfer. Usbtypes.h declares these values.
  • BufferLength
    [in] Length of transfer buffer in bytes.
  • pBuffer
    [in] Pointer to the data buffer. If a physical buffer address, PhysAddr, is specified, this must contain the virtual address of the buffer.
  • PhysAddr
    [in] Physical address, which might be NULL, of pBuffer.

Return Values

Microsoft® Win32® error code. For more information, see GetLastError.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.10 and later.
Header: Usbdi.h.

See Also


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