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Troubleshooting: DirectDraw Test Failed (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows problems that you may encounter while running the DirectDraw Test and suggestions for resolving each problem.

Description Resolution
Multiple test cases abort with the message Set Display Mode Failed.

The driver may be returning display modes other than the current display mode in the HALInit function and display mode switching is not supported.

Verify that the driver returns an appropriate display mode in the HALInit function.
Multiple test cases fail when trying to create surfaces in system memory.

The driver may be returning an incorrect error when the CreateSurface callback function is called.

When the CreateSurface callback function is called with a surface type that the driver cannot handle, the driver should return DDHAL_DRIVER_HANDLED with ddRVal=DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDFORMAT.
Test cases fail while locking or unlocking.

The driver may not be allocating video memory outside of the Graphics, Windowing, and Events Subsystem (GWES) process space.

Allocate video memory outside of the GWES process space with file mapping.

See Also

DirectDraw Test | Modifying the DirectDraw Test

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