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Interrupt and Polled Transport (Windows CE 5.0)

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Interrupt Transport

To set up an interrupt base mechanism, you must pass a SYSINTR_* value to the kernel in the Interrupt parameter of the KITLTRANSPORT structure. This structure is filled when the kernel calls OEMKitlInit. When an interrupt base model is in place the kernel calls TransportEnableInt to enable or disable the KITL transport interrupt. The interrupt is enabled when KITL is started, on a system resume, and when the kernel is started.

Polled Transport

To set up a polling base mechanism, you must pass the KITL_SYSINTR_NOINTR value to the kernel in the Interrupt parameter of KITLTRANSPORT. This structure is filled in by the OEM when the kernel calls OEMKitlInit. When a polling based model is in place, the kernel will not call TransportEnableInt to enable or disable the KITL transport interrupt. Rather, KITL actively calls TransportRecv in a polling manner to retrieve data from the desktop.

See Also

Kernel Independent Transport Layer | Debugging and Testing

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