다음을 통해 공유


This interface sets the global context for the navigation manager.

Programming element Description
SetVolume Sets the volume that the navigation manager will control.
GetSParameter Returns the value of a specified system parameter (SPRM).
GetGParameter Returns the value of a specified general parameter (GPRM).
SetSParameter Sets the value of a specified system parameter (SPRM).
GetScanCaps Returns a bitmask identifying which scan modes the DVD-Video API renderer supports.
GetPlaybackState Returns a value indicating the current playback state of the player.
UseRenderer Allows you to select the DVD-Video renderer that your application will use.
ButtonSelectDirect Allows your application to select a button by specifying its button number from the button information table (BTNIT).

The IDVDNavigationManager, like all COM interfaces, inherits the IUnknown interface methods. The IUnknown interface supports the following three methods:


You can obtain a pointer to an IDVDNavigationManager interface by calling the IUnknown::QueryInterface method of a DVDNavigationManager object and specifying the IID_IDVDNavigationManager reference identifier.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Dvdnav.h, Dvdnav.idl.
Link Library: Ddvdids.lib.

See Also

DVD-Video API Interfaces

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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