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KITLRecv (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function is used by the client to receive data from a device.

BOOL KITLRecv(KITLIDid,LPVOIDpBuffer,USHORT* pcbBuffer,DWORDdwTimeout);


  • id
    [in] Kernel Independent Transport Layer (KITL) client identifier returned from KITLRegisterClient.
  • pBuffer
    [in] Pointer to a buffer that will receive the data from a device.
  • pcbBuffer
    [in, out] Pointer to a DWORD that is set to the size of the buffer in bytes. On a successful read, pcbBuffer is set to how many bytes are remaining to be read. If set to 0, all bytes have been read.
  • dwTimeout
    [in] Specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, before the receive operation fails.

Return Values



OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Kitlclnt.h.
Link Library: Kitldll.lib.

See Also


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