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Troubleshooting: Platform Performance Insufficient

When you create a Microsoft® Windows® CE–based platform, you can encounter problems with the performance of the operating system (OS) or problems with the performance of the target device. The following table shows descriptions of common problems and suggestions for resolving the problems.

Description Resolution
Cannot gather sufficient data about OS performance Create a profiling OS image. With a profiling OS image, you can better determine where the optimization of code provides the greatest benefit. For more information about profiling, see Platform Profiling.
Display does not function properly Verify that the display orientation for the target device is correct, and verify that the display driver is designed correctly. For more information, see Display Drivers and Creating a Custom Shell.
Memory use is not optimized Consider the type of memory that your target device uses. For more information, see RAM, ROM, and Mass Storage Comparison.
Microsoft Direct3D® code is not optimized Familiarize yourself with the guidelines for optimizing a Direct3D application. For more information, see Performance Optimizations.
Network driver is not optimized Create a network performance test, analyze the results of the test, and then make adjustments to improve the performance of your network driver. For more information, see Improve Performance of the NDIS Miniport Driver.
Platform is difficult to work with because of its complexity Reduce the number of OS components included in the platform. With fewer OS components, you may be able to design, test, and build an OS image more quickly.

You can restrict the number of OS components in your platform by setting environment variables. For more information, see Minimal Configurations Implementation Options. For information about how to set an environment variable, see Setting or Clearing an Environment Variable.

Target device boots slowly Choose a registry type that is appropriate for the way that you use the target device. The registry type affects the performance of the target device, particularly during the boot sequence. For more information, see Registry Type Comparison.

See Also

Platform Development

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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